

Changes from v1 to v1.

What's New

  1. POST/connect/token
  2. GET/externalsignin
  3. GET/externalsignin/callback
  4. GET/externalsignin/providers
  5. POST/api/platform/dynamic/properties/search Get dynamic properties registered for object type
  6. PUT/api/platform/dynamic/properties Update existing dynamic property
  7. POST/api/platform/dynamic/properties Add new dynamic property
  8. DELETE/api/platform/dynamic/properties Delete dynamic property
  9. POST/api/platform/dynamic/dictionaryitems/search Get dictionary items
  10. POST/api/platform/dynamic/dictionaryitems Add or update dictionary items
  11. DELETE/api/platform/dynamic/dictionaryitems Delete dictionary items
  12. GET/api/platform/security/userinfo
  13. POST/api/platform/security/roles/search SearchAsync roles by keyword
  14. GET/api/platform/security/roles/{roleName} Get role by ID
  15. POST/api/catalog/catalogs/search
  16. POST/api/notifications Get all registered notification types by criteria
  17. GET/api/notifications/{type} Get notification by type
  18. PUT/api/notifications/{type} Update notification with templates
  19. POST/api/notifications/{type}/templates/{language}/rendercontent Render content
  20. POST/api/notifications/send Sending notification
  21. POST/api/notifications/journal Get all notification journal
  22. GET/api/notifications/journal/{id}
  23. POST/api/order/customerOrders/{cartId} Create new customer order based on shopping cart.
  24. POST/api/payment/search
  25. GET/api/payment/{id}
  26. PUT/api/payment
  27. GET/api/search/indexes
  28. GET/api/search/indexes/index/{documentType}/{documentId} Get search index for specified document type and document id.
  29. POST/api/search/indexes/index Run indexation process for specified options
  30. GET/api/search/indexes/tasks/{taskId}/cancel
  31. POST/api/shipping/search
  32. GET/api/shipping/{id}
  33. PUT/api/shipping
  34. POST/api/taxes/search
  35. GET/api/taxes/{id}
  36. PUT/api/taxes
  37. GET/api/platform/security/logout Sign out

What's Deprecated

  1. GET/api/cache/stats Return current platform cache usage stats
  2. GET/api/cache/reset Reset current platform cache
  3. GET/api/catalog/properties/{propertyId}/values Gets all dictionary values that specified property can have.
  4. POST/api/catalog/search Searches for the items by complex criteria
  5. GET/api/fulfillment/centers/{id} Find fulfillment center by id
  6. GET/api/completeness/evaluators
  7. POST/api/completeness/channels/{id}/evaluate
  8. POST/api/completeness/channels/{id}/products/evaluate
  9. PUT/api/completeness/entries
  10. GET/api/completeness/channels/{id}
  11. POST/api/completeness/channels/search
  12. PUT/api/completeness/channels
  13. POST/api/completeness/channels
  14. DELETE/api/completeness/channels
  15. GET/api/platform/dynamic/types/{typeName}/properties
  16. POST/api/platform/dynamic/types/{typeName}/properties
  17. PUT/api/platform/dynamic/types/{typeName}/properties/{propertyId}
  18. DELETE/api/platform/dynamic/types/{typeName}/properties/{propertyId}
  19. GET/api/platform/dynamic/types/{typeName}/properties/{propertyId}/dictionaryitems
  20. POST/api/platform/dynamic/types/{typeName}/properties/{propertyId}/dictionaryitems
  21. DELETE/api/platform/dynamic/types/{typeName}/properties/{propertyId}/dictionaryitems
  22. POST/api/catalogcsvimport/export
  23. GET/api/catalogcsvimport/import/mappingconfiguration
  24. POST/api/catalogcsvimport/import
  25. GET/api/platform/localization/locales
  26. GET/api/platform/localization/regionalformats
  27. GET/api/platform/notification
  28. GET/api/platform/notification/template/{id}
  29. DELETE/api/platform/notification/template/{id}
  30. GET/api/platform/notification/template
  31. POST/api/platform/notification/template
  32. GET/api/platform/notification/templates
  33. GET/api/platform/notification/template/{type}/getTestingParameters
  34. POST/api/platform/notification/template/rendernotificationcontent
  35. POST/api/platform/notification/template/sendnotification
  36. GET/api/platform/notification/journal/{objectId}/{objectTypeId}
  37. GET/api/platform/notification/journal
  38. GET/api/platform/notification/notification/{id}
  39. POST/api/platform/notification/stopnotifications
  40. GET/api/personalization/taggeditem/{id}
  41. GET/api/personalization/taggeditem/{id}/tags/count
  42. PUT/api/personalization/taggeditem
  43. POST/api/personalization/search
  44. POST/api/personalization/outlines/synchronize
  45. POST/api/personalization/outlines/synchronization/cancel
  46. GET/api/platform/profiles/currentuser
  47. POST/api/platform/profiles/currentuser
  48. POST/api/quote/requests/search Search RFQ by given criteria
  49. GET/api/quote/requests/{id} Get RFQ by id
  50. PUT/api/quote/requests Update a existing RFQ
  51. POST/api/quote/requests Create new RFQ
  52. DELETE/api/quote/requests Deletes the specified quotes by id.
  53. PUT/api/quote/requests/recalculate Calculate totals
  54. GET/api/quote/requests/{id}/shipmentmethods Get available shipping methods with prices for quote requests
  55. POST/api/recommendations
  56. POST/api/recommendations/events
  57. GET/api/recommendations/catalog/export
  58. GET/api/recommendations/events/export
  59. GET/api/platform/security/users/login/external
  60. GET/api/platform/security/roles/{roleId}
  61. GET/api/platform/security/apiaccounts/new
  62. PUT/api/platform/security/apiaccounts/newKey
  63. GET/api/platform/security/users/{userName}/hasPermissions
  64. GET/api/platform/settings
  65. POST/api/platform/settings
  66. GET/api/platform/settings/modules/{id}
  67. GET/api/platform/settings/{name}
  68. GET/api/platform/settings/ui/customization
  69. GET/api/storefront/security/user/id/{userId} Get user details by user ID
  70. GET/api/storefront/security/user/name/{userName} Get user details by user name
  71. GET/api/storefront/security/user/email/{email} Get user details by user email
  72. GET/api/storefront/security/user/external Get user details by external login provider
  73. POST/api/storefront/security/user/signin Sign in with user name and password
  74. POST/api/storefront/security/user Create a new user
  75. POST/api/storefront/security/user/password/resettoken Generate a password reset token
  76. POST/api/storefront/security/user/password/reset Reset a password for the user
  77. POST/api/storefront/security/user/email/sendconfirmation
  78. POST/api/storefront/security/user/email/confirm
  79. POST/api/storefront/security/user/remindusername Remind user name for sign in and send this notification
  80. POST/api/storefront/security/user/registration/invite Generate invite token for registering by invite and send this notification
  81. GET/api/fulfillment/centers Return all fulfillment centers registered in the system
  82. PUT/api/fulfillment/centers Update a existing fulfillment center
  83. POST/api/order/customerOrders/{id} Create new customer order based on shopping cart.
  84. POST/api/platform/security/logout
  85. POST/api/platform/security/roles

What's Changed

  1. POST/api/platform/assetentries/search SearchAsync for AssetEntries by AssetEntrySearchCriteria
    • Parameter

      • Add criteria//
      • Add criteria.responseGroup
      • Add criteria.objectType
      • Add criteria.objectTypes
      • Add criteria.objectIds
      • Add criteria.keyword
      • criteria change into not required
      • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
    • Return Type

    • GET/api/platform/assetentries/{id} Get asset details by id
      • Parameter

        • Add id
        • id change into not required
      • Return Type

        • Add
        • Add tenant.type
        • Add tenant.isEmpty
        • Add blobInfo.type
        • Add blobInfo.createdDate
        • Add blobInfo.createdBy
        • Add blobInfo.modifiedBy
        • Add
        • Deletetenant.tenantId
        • Deletetenant.tenantType
        • DeleteblobInfo.fileName
        • DeleteblobInfo.mimeType
    • DELETE/api/platform/assetentries Delete asset entries by ids
      • Parameter

        • Add ids//
        • ids change into not required
    • PUT/api/platform/assetentries Create / Update asset entry
      • Parameter

        • Add item
        • Add
        • Add item.tenant.type
        • Add item.tenant.isEmpty
        • Add item.blobInfo.type
        • Add item.blobInfo.createdDate
        • Add item.blobInfo.createdBy
        • Add item.blobInfo.modifiedBy
        • Add
        • item change into not required
        • Deleteitem.tenant.tenantId
        • Deleteitem.tenant.tenantType
        • Deleteitem.blobInfo.fileName
        • Deleteitem.blobInfo.mimeType
    • DELETE/api/platform/assets Delete blobs by urls
      • Parameter

        • Add urls//
        • urls change into not required
    • GET/api/platform/assets SearchAsync asset folders and blobs
      • Parameter

        • Add folderUrl//
        • Add keyword//
    • POST/api/platform/assets Upload assets to the folder
      • Parameter

        • Add folderUrl//Parent folder url (relative or absolute).
        • Add url//Url for uploaded remote resource (optional)
        • Add name//File name
        • folderUrl change into not required Notes null change into Parent folder url (relative or absolute).
        • name Notes null change into File name
        • url Notes null change into Url for uploaded remote resource (optional)
    • POST/api/platform/assets/folder Create new blob folder
      • Parameter

        • Add folder//
        • Add folder.type
        • Add folder.createdDate
        • Add folder.modifiedDate
        • Add folder.createdBy
        • Add folder.modifiedBy
        • Add
        • folder change into not required
    • POST/api/changes/force Force set changes last modified date
      • Parameter

        • Add Scope
        • DeleteforceRequest//Force changes request
    • GET/api/carts/{storeId}/{customerId}/{cartName}/{currency}/{cultureName}/current
      • Return Type

      • POST/api/carts/{cartId}/items
        • Parameter

          • Add lineItem
          • Add lineItem.price.outerId
          • Add lineItem.price.pricelist.outerId
          • lineItem change into not required
          • DeletelineItem.product
      • PUT/api/carts/{cartId}/items
        • Parameter

          • Add lineItemId
          • Add quantity
          • quantity change into not required
          • lineItemId change into not required
      • GET/api/carts/{cartId} Get shopping cart by id
        • Return Type

        • PATCH/api/carts/{cartId}
          • Parameter

            • Add otherCart
            • otherCart change into not required
        • POST/api/carts/availshippingrates
          • Parameter

            • Add ShoppingCart.Name
            • Add ShoppingCart.StoreId
            • Add ShoppingCart.ChannelId
            • Add ShoppingCart.IsAnonymous
            • Add ShoppingCart.CustomerId
            • Add ShoppingCart.CustomerName
            • Add ShoppingCart.OrganizationId
            • Add ShoppingCart.Currency
            • Add ShoppingCart.LanguageCode
            • Add ShoppingCart.TaxIncluded
            • Add ShoppingCart.IsRecuring
            • Add ShoppingCart.Comment
            • Add ShoppingCart.Status
            • Add ShoppingCart.WeightUnit
            • Add ShoppingCart.Weight
            • Add ShoppingCart.ValidationType
            • Add ShoppingCart.Type
            • Add ShoppingCart.VolumetricWeight
            • Add ShoppingCart.Total
            • Add ShoppingCart.SubTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.SubTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.SubTotalDiscount
            • Add ShoppingCart.SubTotalDiscountWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.ShippingTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.ShippingTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.ShippingSubTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.ShippingSubTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.ShippingDiscountTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.ShippingDiscountTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.PaymentTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.PaymentTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.PaymentSubTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.PaymentSubTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.PaymentDiscountTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.PaymentDiscountTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.HandlingTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.HandlingTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.DiscountAmount
            • Add ShoppingCart.DiscountAmountWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.DiscountTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.DiscountTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.Fee
            • Add ShoppingCart.FeeWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.FeeTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.FeeTotalWithTax
            • Add ShoppingCart.Addresses
            • Add ShoppingCart.Items
            • Add ShoppingCart.Payments
            • Add ShoppingCart.Shipments
            • Add ShoppingCart.Coupons
            • Add ShoppingCart.Coupon
            • Add ShoppingCart.Discounts
            • Add ShoppingCart.TaxType
            • Add ShoppingCart.TaxTotal
            • Add ShoppingCart.TaxPercentRate
            • Add ShoppingCart.TaxDetails
            • Add ShoppingCart.ObjectType
            • Add ShoppingCart.DynamicProperties
            • Add ShoppingCart.CreatedDate
            • Add ShoppingCart.ModifiedDate
            • Add ShoppingCart.CreatedBy
            • Add ShoppingCart.ModifiedBy
            • Add ShoppingCart.ShouldSerializeAuditableProperties
            • Add ShoppingCart.Id
            • Add Currency
            • Deletecontext
        • POST/api/carts/{cartId}/shipments
          • Parameter

            • Add shipment
            • Add shipment.createdDate
            • Add shipment.modifiedDate
            • Add shipment.createdBy
            • Add shipment.modifiedBy
            • shipment change into not required
        • POST/api/carts/{cartId}/payments
          • Parameter

            • Add payment
            • payment change into not required
            • Deletepayment.outerId
        • POST/api/carts/search Search shopping carts by given criteria
          • Parameter

            • Add criteria//Shopping cart search criteria
            • criteria change into not required
            • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
            • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
          • Return Type

          • DELETE/api/carts Delete shopping carts by ids
            • Parameter

              • Add ids//Array of shopping cart ids
              • ids change into not required
          • POST/api/carts Create shopping cart
            • Parameter

              • Add cart//Shopping cart model
              • cart change into not required
            • Return Type

            • PUT/api/carts Update shopping cart
              • Parameter

                • Add cart//Shopping cart model
                • cart change into not required
              • Return Type

              • POST/api/carts/recalculate Calculates totals for cart.
                • Parameter

                  • Add cart//Shopping cart model
                  • cart change into not required Notes null change into Shopping cart model
                • Return Type

                • GET/api/catalog/catalogs Get Catalogs list
                  • Parameter

                    • Add skip
                    • Add take
                • POST/api/catalog/catalogs Creates the specified catalog.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add catalog//The catalog to create
                    • Add catalog.outerId
                    • Add catalog.createdDate
                    • Add catalog.modifiedDate
                    • Add catalog.createdBy
                    • Add catalog.modifiedBy
                    • Add
                    • catalog change into not required
                    • Deletecatalog.securityScopes
                    • Deletecatalog.defaultLanguage.displayName
                  • Return Type

                    • Add outerId
                    • Add createdDate
                    • Add modifiedDate
                    • Add createdBy
                    • Add modifiedBy
                    • Add
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                    • DeletedefaultLanguage.displayName
                • PUT/api/catalog/catalogs Updates the specified catalog.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add catalog//The catalog.
                    • Add catalog.outerId
                    • Add catalog.createdDate
                    • Add catalog.modifiedDate
                    • Add catalog.createdBy
                    • Add catalog.modifiedBy
                    • Add
                    • catalog change into not required
                    • Deletecatalog.securityScopes
                    • Deletecatalog.defaultLanguage.displayName
                • GET/api/catalog/catalogs/{id} Gets Catalog by id.
                  • Return Type

                    • Add outerId
                    • Add createdDate
                    • Add modifiedDate
                    • Add createdBy
                    • Add modifiedBy
                    • Add
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                    • DeletedefaultLanguage.displayName
                • GET/api/catalog/catalogs/getnew Gets the template for a new catalog.
                  • Return Type

                    • Add outerId
                    • Add createdDate
                    • Add modifiedDate
                    • Add createdBy
                    • Add modifiedBy
                    • Add
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                    • DeletedefaultLanguage.displayName
                • GET/api/catalog/catalogs/getnewvirtual Gets the template for a new virtual catalog.
                  • Return Type

                    • Add outerId
                    • Add createdDate
                    • Add modifiedDate
                    • Add createdBy
                    • Add modifiedBy
                    • Add
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                    • DeletedefaultLanguage.displayName
                • GET/api/catalog/categories/{id} Gets category by id.
                  • Return Type

                    • Add level
                    • Add packageType
                    • Add outerId
                    • Add isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                • DELETE/api/catalog/categories Deletes the specified categories by id.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add ids//The categories ids.
                    • ids change into not required
                • GET/api/catalog/categories Gets categories by ids
                  • Parameter

                    • Add ids//Categories ids
                    • Add respGroup//Response group.
                    • ids change into not required
                • POST/api/catalog/categories Creates or updates the specified category.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add category//The category.
                    • Add category.level
                    • Add category.packageType
                    • Add category.outerId
                    • Add category.isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • category change into not required
                    • Deletecategory.securityScopes
                • POST/api/catalog/categories/plenty Get categories by plenty ids
                  • Parameter

                    • Add ids//Categories ids
                    • Add respGroup//Response group
                    • ids change into not required
                • GET/api/catalog/{catalogId}/categories/newcategory Gets the template for a new category.
                  • Return Type

                    • Add level
                    • Add packageType
                    • Add outerId
                    • Add isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                • POST/api/catalog/listentries Searches for the items by complex criteria.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add criteria//The search criteria.
                    • Add criteria.objectType
                    • Add criteria.objectTypes
                    • Add criteria.objectIds
                    • criteria change into not required
                    • Deletecriteria.storeId
                    • Deletecriteria.propertyValues
                    • Deletecriteria.currency
                    • Deletecriteria.startPrice
                    • Deletecriteria.endPrice
                    • Deletecriteria.indexDate
                    • Deletecriteria.pricelistId
                    • Deletecriteria.pricelistIds
                    • Deletecriteria.terms
                    • Deletecriteria.facets
                    • Deletecriteria.outline
                    • Deletecriteria.startDateFrom
                  • Return Type

                    • Add results
                • POST/api/catalog/listentrylinks Creates links for categories or items to parent categories and catalogs.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add links//The links.
                    • links change into not required
                • POST/api/catalog/listentrylinks/bulkcreate Bulk create links to categories and items
                  • Parameter

                    • Add creationRequest//
                    • Add creationRequest.searchCriteria.objectType
                    • Add creationRequest.searchCriteria.objectTypes
                    • Add creationRequest.searchCriteria.objectIds
                    • creationRequest change into not required
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.storeId
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.propertyValues
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.currency
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.startPrice
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.endPrice
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.indexDate
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.pricelistId
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.pricelistIds
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.terms
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.facets
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.outline
                    • DeletecreationRequest.searchCriteria.startDateFrom
                • POST/api/catalog/listentrylinks/delete Unlinks the linked categories or items from parent categories and catalogs.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add links//The links.
                    • links change into not required
                • POST/api/catalog/listentries/move Move categories or products to another location.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add moveRequest//Move operation request
                    • DeletemoveInfo//Move operation details
                • GET/api/catalog/products/{id} Gets product by id.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add respGroup//Response group.
                  • Return Type

                    • Add mainProductId
                    • Add outerId
                    • Add isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                • DELETE/api/catalog/products Deletes the specified items by id.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add ids//The items ids.
                    • ids change into not required
                • GET/api/catalog/products Gets products by ids
                  • Parameter

                    • Add ids//Item ids
                    • Add respGroup//Response group.
                    • ids change into not required
                • POST/api/catalog/products Create/Update the specified product.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add product//The product.
                    • Add product.mainProductId
                    • Add product.outerId
                    • Add product.isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • product change into not required
                    • Deleteproduct.securityScopes
                  • Return Type

                    • Add mainProductId
                    • Add outerId
                    • Add isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                • POST/api/catalog/products/plenty Gets products by plenty ids
                  • Parameter

                    • Add ids//Item ids
                    • Add respGroup//Response group.
                    • ids change into not required
                • GET/api/catalog/{catalogId}/products/getnew Gets the template for a new product (outside of category).
                  • Return Type

                    • Add mainProductId
                    • Add outerId
                    • Add isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                • GET/api/catalog/{catalogId}/categories/{categoryId}/products/getnew Gets the template for a new product (inside category).
                  • Return Type

                    • Add mainProductId
                    • Add outerId
                    • Add isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                • GET/api/catalog/products/{productId}/getnewvariation Gets the template for a new variation.
                  • Return Type

                    • Add mainProductId
                    • Add outerId
                    • Add isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                • GET/api/catalog/products/{productId}/clone
                  • Return Type

                    • Add mainProductId
                    • Add outerId
                    • Add isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                    • DeletesecurityScopes
                • POST/api/catalog/products/batch Create/Update the specified products.
                  • Parameter

                    • Add products//The products.
                    • products change into not required
                • POST/api/catalog/products/associations/search Return product and product's associations products
                  • Parameter

                    • Add criteria
                    • Add criteria.keyword
                    • criteria change into not required
                    • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                    • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                  • Return Type

                  • GET/api/catalog/properties/{propertyId} Gets property metainformation by id.
                    • Return Type

                      • Add outerId
                      • Add validationRules
                      • Add createdDate
                      • Add modifiedDate
                      • Add createdBy
                      • Add modifiedBy
                      • Add validationRule.propertyId
                  • GET/api/catalog/{catalogId}/properties/getnew Gets the template for a new catalog property.
                    • Return Type

                      • Add outerId
                      • Add validationRules
                      • Add createdDate
                      • Add modifiedDate
                      • Add createdBy
                      • Add modifiedBy
                      • Add validationRule.propertyId
                  • GET/api/catalog/categories/{categoryId}/properties/getnew Gets the template for a new category property.
                    • Return Type

                      • Add outerId
                      • Add validationRules
                      • Add createdDate
                      • Add modifiedDate
                      • Add createdBy
                      • Add modifiedBy
                      • Add validationRule.propertyId
                  • DELETE/api/catalog/properties Deletes property by id.
                    • Parameter

                      • Add id//The property id.
                      • Add doDeleteValues//Flag indicating to remove property values from objects as well
                      • id change into not required
                  • POST/api/catalog/properties Creates or updates the specified property.
                    • Parameter

                      • Add property//The property.
                      • Add property.outerId
                      • Add property.validationRules
                      • Add property.createdDate
                      • Add property.modifiedDate
                      • Add property.createdBy
                      • Add property.modifiedBy
                      • Add property.validationRule.propertyId
                      • property change into not required
                  • POST/api/catalog/dictionaryitems/search Search property dictionary items
                    • Parameter

                      • Add criteria//The search criteria
                      • Add criteria.keyword
                      • criteria change into not required
                      • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                      • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                  • DELETE/api/catalog/dictionaryitems Delete property dictionary items by ids
                    • Parameter

                      • Add ids//The identifiers of objects that needed to be deleted
                      • ids change into not required
                  • POST/api/catalog/dictionaryitems Creates or updates the specified property dictionary items
                    • Parameter

                      • Add propertyDictItems
                      • propertyDictItems change into not required
                  • POST/api/catalog/search/products
                    • Parameter

                      • Add criteria
                      • Add criteria.keyword
                      • criteria change into not required
                      • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                      • Deletecriteria.catalogIds
                      • Deletecriteria.categoryId
                      • Deletecriteria.categoryIds
                      • Deletecriteria.searchInVariations
                    • Return Type

                    • POST/api/catalog/search/categories
                      • Parameter

                        • Add criteria
                        • Add criteria.keyword
                        • criteria change into not required
                        • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                      • Return Type

                      • POST/api/platform/changelog/search
                        • Parameter

                          • Add criteria
                          • Deletetenant
                      • POST/api/taxes/{storeId}/evaluate Evaluate and return all tax rates for specified store and evaluation context
                        • Parameter

                          • Add evalContext//
                          • Add evalContext.storeId
                          • Add evalContext.customerId
                          • Add evalContext.organizationId
                          • evalContext change into not required
                          • DeleteevalContext.customer
                          • DeleteevalContext.organization
                      • DELETE/api/fulfillment/centers Delete fulfillment centers registered in the system
                        • Parameter

                          • Add ids
                          • ids change into not required
                      • PUT/api/seoinfos/batchupdate Batch create or update seo infos
                        • Parameter

                          • Add seoInfos//
                          • seoInfos change into not required
                      • GET/api/seoinfos/duplicates
                        • Parameter

                          • Add objectId
                          • Add objectType
                          • objectId change into not required
                          • objectType change into not required
                      • DELETE/api/currencies Delete currencies
                        • Parameter

                          • Add codes//currency codes
                          • codes change into not required
                      • POST/api/currencies Create a existing currency
                        • Parameter

                          • Add currency//currency
                          • currency change into not required
                      • PUT/api/currencies Update a existing currency
                        • Parameter

                          • Add currency//currency
                          • currency change into not required
                      • DELETE/api/packageTypes Delete package types
                        • Parameter

                          • Add ids//package type ids
                          • ids change into not required
                      • POST/api/packageTypes Create new package type
                        • Parameter

                          • Add packageType//package type
                          • packageType change into not required
                      • PUT/api/packageTypes Update a existing package type
                        • Parameter

                          • Add packageType//package type
                          • packageType change into not required
                      • GET/api/content/{storeId}/stats
                        • Parameter

                          • Add storeId
                      • DELETE/api/content/{contentType}/{storeId}
                        • Parameter

                          • Add contentType
                          • Add storeId
                          • Add urls
                          • contentType Notes possible values Themes or Pages change into
                          • urls change into not required Notes relative content urls to delete change into
                          • storeId Notes Store id change into
                      • GET/api/content/{contentType}/{storeId}
                        • Parameter

                          • Add contentType
                          • Add storeId
                          • Add relativeUrl
                          • relativeUrl change into not required Notes content relative url change into
                          • contentType Notes possible values Themes or Pages change into
                          • storeId Notes Store id change into
                      • POST/api/content/{contentType}/{storeId}
                        • Parameter

                          • Add contentType
                          • Add storeId
                          • Add folderUrl
                          • Add url
                          • contentType Notes possible values Themes or Pages change into
                          • url Notes external url which will be used to download content item data change into
                          • folderUrl change into not required Notes folder relative url where content will be uploaded change into
                          • storeId Notes Store id change into
                      • GET/api/content/{contentType}/{storeId}/search
                        • Parameter

                          • Add contentType
                          • Add storeId
                          • Add folderUrl
                          • Add keyword
                          • contentType Notes possible values Themes or Pages change into
                          • folderUrl Notes relative path for folder where content items will be searched change into
                          • storeId Notes Store id change into
                          • keyword Notes search keyword change into
                      • GET/api/content/{contentType}/{storeId}/move
                        • Parameter

                          • Add contentType
                          • Add storeId
                          • Add oldUrl
                          • Add newUrl
                          • contentType Notes possible values Themes or Pages change into
                          • oldUrl change into not required Notes old content item relative or absolute url change into
                          • newUrl change into not required Notes new content item relative or absolute url change into
                          • storeId Notes Store id change into
                      • GET/api/content/copy
                        • Parameter

                          • Add srcPath
                          • Add destPath
                          • destPath change into not required Notes destination content relative path change into
                          • srcPath change into not required Notes source content relative path change into
                      • GET/api/content/{contentType}/{storeId}/unpack
                        • Parameter

                          • Add contentType
                          • Add storeId
                          • Add archivePath
                          • Add destPath
                          • contentType Notes possible values Themes or Pages change into
                          • archivePath change into not required Notes archive file relative path change into
                          • destPath change into not required Notes destination content relative path change into
                          • storeId Notes Store id change into
                      • POST/api/content/{contentType}/{storeId}/folder
                        • Parameter

                          • Add contentType
                          • Add storeId
                          • Add folder
                          • contentType Notes possible values Themes or Pages change into
                          • folder change into not required Notes content folder change into
                          • storeId Notes Store id change into
                      • POST/api/members/search Get members
                        • Parameter

                          • Add criteria//concrete instance of SearchCriteria type type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberSearchCriteriaJsonConverter
                          • Add criteria.keyword
                          • criteria change into not required
                          • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                          • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                        • Return Type

                        • GET/api/members/{id} Get member
                          • Parameter

                            • Add responseGroup//response group
                            • responseGroup Notes Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph change into response group
                          • Return Type

                            • Add outerId
                            • Add seoObjectType
                            • Add seoInfos
                        • DELETE/api/members Delete members
                          • Parameter

                            • Add ids//An array of members ids
                            • ids change into not required
                        • GET/api/members
                          • Parameter

                            • Add ids
                            • Add memberTypes
                            • ids change into not required
                        • POST/api/members Create new member (can be any object inherited from Member type)
                          • Parameter

                            • Add member//concrete instance of abstract member type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberJsonConverter
                            • Add member.outerId
                            • Add member.seoObjectType
                            • Add member.seoInfos
                            • member change into not required
                          • Return Type

                            • Add outerId
                            • Add seoObjectType
                            • Add seoInfos
                        • PUT/api/members Update member
                          • Parameter

                            • Add member//concrete instance of abstract member type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberJsonConverter
                            • Add member.outerId
                            • Add member.seoObjectType
                            • Add member.seoInfos
                            • member change into not required
                        • POST/api/members/bulk Bulk create new members (can be any objects inherited from Member type)
                          • Parameter

                            • Add members//Array of concrete instances of abstract member type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberJsonConverter
                            • members change into not required
                        • PUT/api/members/bulk Bulk update members
                          • Parameter

                            • Add members//Array of concrete instances of abstract member type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberJsonConverter
                            • members change into not required
                        • POST/api/members/delete Bulk delete members
                          • Parameter

                            • Add criteria//concrete instance of SearchCriteria type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberSearchCriteriaJsonConverter
                            • Add criteria.keyword
                            • criteria change into not required
                            • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                            • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                        • DELETE/api/contacts Delete contacts
                          • Parameter

                            • Add ids//An array of contacts ids
                            • ids change into not required
                        • GET/api/contacts Get plenty contacts
                          • Parameter

                            • Add ids//contact IDs
                            • ids change into not required
                            • DeleteresponseGroup//Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph Possible values: Info,WithAncestors, WithNotes, WithEmails, WithAddresses, WithPhones, WithGroups, WithSecurityAccounts, WithDynamicProperties, WithSeo Default value: Full
                        • POST/api/contacts Create contact
                          • Parameter

                            • Add contact
                            • Add contact.outerId
                            • Add contact.seoObjectType
                            • Add contact.seoInfos
                            • contact change into not required
                          • Return Type

                            • Add outerId
                            • Add seoObjectType
                            • Add seoInfos
                            • Deletesalutation
                            • DeletefullName
                            • DeletefirstName
                            • DeletemiddleName
                            • DeletelastName
                            • DeletebirthDate
                            • DeletedefaultLanguage
                            • DeletetimeZone
                            • Deleteorganizations
                            • DeletetaxPayerId
                            • DeletepreferredDelivery
                            • DeletepreferredCommunication
                            • DeletephotoUrl
                            • DeletesecurityAccounts
                        • PUT/api/contacts Update contact
                          • Parameter

                            • Add contact
                            • Add contact.outerId
                            • Add contact.seoObjectType
                            • Add contact.seoInfos
                            • contact change into not required
                        • POST/api/contacts/bulk Bulk create contacts
                          • Parameter

                            • Add contacts
                            • contacts change into not required
                        • PUT/api/contacts/bulk Bulk update contact
                          • Parameter

                            • Add contacts
                            • contacts change into not required
                        • DELETE/api/organizations Delete organizations
                          • Parameter

                            • Add ids//An array of organizations ids
                            • ids change into not required
                        • GET/api/organizations Get plenty organizations
                          • Parameter

                            • Add ids//Organization ids
                            • ids change into not required
                            • DeleteresponseGroup//Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph
                        • POST/api/organizations Create organization
                          • Parameter

                            • Add organization
                            • Add organization.outerId
                            • Add organization.seoObjectType
                            • Add organization.seoInfos
                            • organization change into not required
                          • Return Type

                            • Add outerId
                            • Add seoObjectType
                            • Add seoInfos
                            • Deletedescription
                            • DeletebusinessCategory
                            • DeleteownerId
                            • DeleteparentId
                        • PUT/api/organizations Update organization
                          • Parameter

                            • Add organization
                            • Add organization.outerId
                            • Add organization.seoObjectType
                            • Add organization.seoInfos
                            • organization change into not required
                        • POST/api/organizations/bulk Bulk create organizations
                          • Parameter

                            • Add organizations
                            • organizations change into not required
                        • PUT/api/organizations/bulk Bulk update organization
                          • Parameter

                            • Add organizations
                            • organizations change into not required
                        • GET/api/organizations/{id} Get organization
                          • Parameter

                            • DeleteresponseGroup//Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph
                          • Return Type

                            • Add outerId
                            • Add seoObjectType
                            • Add seoInfos
                            • Deletedescription
                            • DeletebusinessCategory
                            • DeleteownerId
                            • DeleteparentId
                        • POST/api/organizations/search Search organizations
                          • Parameter

                            • Add MemberType
                            • Add MemberTypes
                            • Add Group
                            • Add Groups
                            • Add MemberId
                            • Add DeepSearch
                            • Add ResponseGroup
                            • Add ObjectType
                            • Add ObjectTypes
                            • Add ObjectIds
                            • Add Keyword
                            • Add LanguageCode
                            • Add Sort
                            • Add SortInfos
                            • Add Skip
                            • Add Take
                            • Deletecriteria//concrete instance of SearchCriteria type type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberSearchCriteriaJsonConverter
                          • Return Type

                          • GET/api/contacts/{id} Get contact
                            • Parameter

                              • DeleteresponseGroup//Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph Possible values: Info,WithAncestors, WithNotes, WithEmails, WithAddresses, WithPhones, WithGroups, WithSecurityAccounts, WithDynamicProperties, WithSeo Default value: Full
                            • Return Type

                              • Add outerId
                              • Add seoObjectType
                              • Add seoInfos
                              • Deletesalutation
                              • DeletefullName
                              • DeletefirstName
                              • DeletemiddleName
                              • DeletelastName
                              • DeletebirthDate
                              • DeletedefaultLanguage
                              • DeletetimeZone
                              • Deleteorganizations
                              • DeletetaxPayerId
                              • DeletepreferredDelivery
                              • DeletepreferredCommunication
                              • DeletephotoUrl
                              • DeletesecurityAccounts
                          • POST/api/contacts/search Search contacts
                            • Parameter

                              • Add MemberType
                              • Add MemberTypes
                              • Add Group
                              • Add Groups
                              • Add MemberId
                              • Add DeepSearch
                              • Add ResponseGroup
                              • Add ObjectType
                              • Add ObjectTypes
                              • Add ObjectIds
                              • Add Keyword
                              • Add LanguageCode
                              • Add Sort
                              • Add SortInfos
                              • Add Skip
                              • Add Take
                              • Deletecriteria//concrete instance of SearchCriteria type type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberSearchCriteriaJsonConverter
                            • Return Type

                            • GET/api/vendors/{id} Get vendor
                              • Parameter

                                • DeleteresponseGroup//Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph
                              • Return Type

                                • Add outerId
                                • Deletedescription
                                • DeletesiteUrl
                                • DeletelogoUrl
                                • DeletegroupName
                            • GET/api/vendors Get plenty vendors
                              • Parameter

                                • Add ids//Vendors IDs
                                • ids change into not required
                                • DeleteresponseGroup//Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph
                            • POST/api/vendors/search Search vendors
                              • Parameter

                                • Add criteria//concrete instance of SearchCriteria type type will be created by using PolymorphicMemberSearchCriteriaJsonConverter
                                • Add criteria.keyword
                                • criteria change into not required
                                • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                              • Return Type

                                • Add results
                            • PUT/api/addresses
                              • Parameter

                                • Add memberId
                                • Add addresses
                                • memberId change into not required
                                • addresses change into not required
                            • GET/api/employees Get plenty employees
                              • Parameter

                                • Add ids//contact IDs
                                • ids change into not required
                                • DeleteresponseGroup//Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph
                            • POST/api/employees Create employee
                              • Parameter

                                • Add employee
                                • Add employee.outerId
                                • Add employee.seoObjectType
                                • Add employee.seoInfos
                                • employee change into not required
                              • Return Type

                                • Add outerId
                                • Add seoObjectType
                                • Add seoInfos
                                • Deletesalutation
                                • DeletefullName
                                • DeletefirstName
                                • DeletemiddleName
                                • DeletelastName
                                • DeletebirthDate
                                • DeletedefaultLanguage
                                • DeletetimeZone
                                • Deleteorganizations
                                • DeleteemployeeType
                                • DeleteisActive
                                • DeletephotoUrl
                                • DeletesecurityAccounts
                            • POST/api/employees/bulk Create employee
                              • Parameter

                                • Add employees
                                • employees change into not required
                            • GET/api/members/{id}/organizations Get all member organizations
                              • Parameter

                                • Add id//member Id
                                • id change into not required
                                • DeleteresponseGroup//Response group flags controls fullness of resulting object graph
                            • POST/api/export/data Provides generic viewable entities collection based on the request
                              • Parameter

                                • Add request//Data request
                                • request change into not required Notes null change into Data request
                                • Deleterequest.dataQuery.isPreview
                              • Return Type

                              • POST/api/export/run Starts export task
                                • Parameter

                                  • Add request//Export task description
                                  • request change into not required Notes null change into Export task description
                                  • Deleterequest.dataQuery.isPreview
                                • Return Type

                                  • Add downloadUrl
                                  • Add jobId
                                  • Add finished
                                  • Add totalCount
                                  • Add processedCount
                                  • Add errorCount
                                  • Add errors
                                  • Add creator
                                  • Add created
                                  • Add isNew
                                  • Add notifyType
                                  • Add description
                                  • Add title
                                  • Add repeatCount
                                  • Add id
                              • POST/api/export/task/cancel Attempts to cancel export task
                                • Parameter

                                  • Add cancellationRequest//Cancellation request with task id
                                  • cancellationRequest change into not required Notes null change into Cancellation request with task id
                              • GET/api/export/download/{fileName} Downloads file by its name
                                • Parameter

                                  • Add fileName//
                              • POST/api/inventory/fulfillmentcenters/search Search fulfillment centers registered in the system
                                • Parameter

                                  • Add searchCriteria
                                  • Add searchCriteria.keyword
                                  • searchCriteria change into not required
                                  • DeletesearchCriteria.location
                                  • DeletesearchCriteria.searchPhrase
                                  • DeletesearchCriteria.sortInfos
                                • Return Type

                                • GET/api/inventory/fulfillmentcenters/{id} Find fulfillment center by id
                                  • Return Type

                                    • Add outerId
                                • DELETE/api/inventory/fulfillmentcenters Delete fulfillment centers registered in the system
                                  • Parameter

                                    • Add ids
                                    • ids change into not required
                                • PUT/api/inventory/fulfillmentcenters Save fulfillment center
                                  • Parameter

                                    • Add center//fulfillment center
                                    • Add center.outerId
                                    • center change into not required
                                  • Return Type

                                    • Add outerId
                                • GET/api/inventory/products Get inventories of products
                                  • Parameter

                                    • Add ids//Products ids
                                    • ids change into not required
                                • POST/api/inventory/products/plenty Get inventories of products
                                  • Parameter

                                    • Add ids//Products ids
                                    • ids change into not required
                                • PUT/api/inventory/products/{productId} Update inventory
                                  • Parameter

                                    • Add inventory//Inventory to update
                                    • Add inventory.outerId
                                    • Add
                                    • Add inventory.fulfillmentCenter.outerId
                                    • inventory change into not required Notes Inventory to upsert change into Inventory to update
                                  • Return Type

                                    • Add outerId
                                    • Add id
                                    • Add fulfillmentCenter.outerId
                                • GET/api/platform/jobs/{id} Get background job status
                                  • Parameter

                                    • Add id//Job ID.
                                    • id Notes null change into Job ID.
                                • POST/api/marketing/contentplaces/listentries/search Search content places list entries by given criteria
                                  • Parameter

                                    • Add criteria//criteria
                                    • criteria change into not required
                                    • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                    • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                  • Return Type

                                  • POST/api/marketing/contentplaces/search Search dynamic content places by given criteria
                                    • Parameter

                                      • Add criteria//criteria
                                      • criteria change into not required
                                      • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                      • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                    • Return Type

                                    • POST/api/marketing/contentitems/listentries/search Search content places list entries by given criteria
                                      • Parameter

                                        • Add criteria//criteria
                                        • criteria change into not required
                                        • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                        • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                      • Return Type

                                      • POST/api/marketing/contentitems/search Search dynamic content items by given criteria
                                        • Parameter

                                          • Add criteria//criteria
                                          • criteria change into not required
                                          • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                          • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                        • Return Type

                                        • POST/api/marketing/contentpublications/search Search dynamic content items by given criteria
                                          • Parameter

                                            • Add criteria//criteria
                                            • Add criteria.placeName
                                            • Add criteria.startDate
                                            • Add criteria.endDate
                                            • criteria change into not required
                                            • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                            • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                          • Return Type

                                          • POST/api/marketing/contentitems/evaluate Get dynamic content for given placeholders
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add evalContext
                                              • evalContext change into not required
                                          • GET/api/marketing/contentitems/{id} Find dynamic content item object by id
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add folder
                                          • DELETE/api/marketing/contentitems Delete a dynamic content item objects
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add ids//content item object ids for delete in the dynamic content system
                                              • ids change into not required
                                          • POST/api/marketing/contentitems Add new dynamic content item object to marketing system
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add contentItem//dynamic content object that needs to be added to the dynamic content system
                                              • Add contentItem.folder
                                              • contentItem change into not required
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add folder
                                          • PUT/api/marketing/contentitems Update a existing dynamic content item object
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add contentItem//dynamic content object that needs to be updated in the dynamic content system
                                              • Add contentItem.folder
                                              • contentItem change into not required
                                          • GET/api/marketing/contentplaces/{id} Find dynamic content place object by id
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add folder
                                              • Deleteoutline//all parent folders ids concatenated (1;21;344)
                                              • Deletepath//all parent folders names concatenated (Root\Child\Child2)
                                          • DELETE/api/marketing/contentplaces Delete a dynamic content place objects
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add ids//content place object ids for delete from dynamic content system
                                              • ids change into not required
                                          • POST/api/marketing/contentplaces Add new dynamic content place object to marketing system
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add contentPlace//dynamic content place object that needs to be added to the dynamic content system
                                              • Add contentPlace.folder
                                              • contentPlace change into not required
                                              • DeletecontentPlace.outline//all parent folders ids concatenated (1;21;344)
                                              • DeletecontentPlace.path//all parent folders names concatenated (Root\Child\Child2)
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add folder
                                              • Deleteoutline//all parent folders ids concatenated (1;21;344)
                                              • Deletepath//all parent folders names concatenated (Root\Child\Child2)
                                          • PUT/api/marketing/contentplaces Update a existing dynamic content place object
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add contentPlace//dynamic content place object that needs to be updated in the dynamic content system
                                              • Add contentPlace.folder
                                              • contentPlace change into not required
                                              • DeletecontentPlace.outline//all parent folders ids concatenated (1;21;344)
                                              • DeletecontentPlace.path//all parent folders names concatenated (Root\Child\Child2)
                                          • GET/api/marketing/contentpublications/new Get new dynamic content publication object
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add outerId
                                              • Add dynamicExpression.all
                                              • Add dynamicExpression.not
                                              • DeleteobjectType//Gets or sets the type. E.g. "folder", "content-item", "content-place"
                                              • DeleteimageUrl//Gets or sets the image URL.
                                          • GET/api/marketing/contentpublications/{id} Find dynamic content publication object by id
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add outerId
                                              • Add dynamicExpression.all
                                              • Add dynamicExpression.not
                                              • DeleteobjectType//Gets or sets the type. E.g. "folder", "content-item", "content-place"
                                              • DeleteimageUrl//Gets or sets the image URL.
                                          • DELETE/api/marketing/contentpublications Delete a dynamic content publication objects
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add ids//content publication object ids for delete from dynamic content system
                                              • ids change into not required
                                          • POST/api/marketing/contentpublications Add new dynamic content publication object to marketing system
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add publication//dynamic content publication object that needs to be added to the dynamic content system
                                              • Add publication.outerId
                                              • Add publication.dynamicExpression.all
                                              • Add publication.dynamicExpression.not
                                              • publication change into not required
                                              • Deletepublication.objectType//Gets or sets the type. E.g. "folder", "content-item", "content-place"
                                              • Deletepublication.imageUrl//Gets or sets the image URL.
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add outerId
                                              • Add dynamicExpression.all
                                              • Add dynamicExpression.not
                                              • DeleteobjectType//Gets or sets the type. E.g. "folder", "content-item", "content-place"
                                              • DeleteimageUrl//Gets or sets the image URL.
                                          • PUT/api/marketing/contentpublications Update a existing dynamic content publication object
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add publication//dynamic content publication object that needs to be updated in the dynamic content system
                                              • Add publication.outerId
                                              • Add publication.dynamicExpression.all
                                              • Add publication.dynamicExpression.not
                                              • publication change into not required
                                              • Deletepublication.objectType//Gets or sets the type. E.g. "folder", "content-item", "content-place"
                                              • Deletepublication.imageUrl//Gets or sets the image URL.
                                          • GET/api/marketing/contentfolders/{id} Find dynamic content folder by id
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add parentFolder
                                          • DELETE/api/marketing/contentfolders Delete a dynamic content folders
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add ids//folders ids for delete
                                              • ids change into not required
                                          • POST/api/marketing/contentfolders Add new dynamic content folder
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add folder//dynamic content folder that needs to be added
                                              • Add folder.parentFolder
                                              • folder change into not required
                                            • Return Type

                                              • Add parentFolder
                                          • PUT/api/marketing/contentfolders Update a existing dynamic content folder
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add folder//dynamic content folder that needs to be updated
                                              • Add folder.parentFolder
                                              • folder change into not required
                                          • POST/api/marketing/promotions/search Search dynamic content places by given criteria
                                            • Parameter

                                              • Add criteria//criteria
                                              • criteria change into not required
                                              • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                              • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                            • Return Type

                                            • POST/api/marketing/promotions/evaluate Evaluate promotions
                                              • Parameter

                                                • Add context//Promotion evaluation context
                                                • context change into not required
                                            • GET/api/marketing/promotions/{id} Find promotion object by id
                                              • Return Type

                                                • Add isAllowCombiningWithSelf//If this flag is set to true, it allows this promotion to combine with itself. Special for case when need to return same promotion rewards for multiple coupons
                                                • Add dynamicExpression
                                                • Add type//Required for UI. TODO: remove later
                                                • Add outerId
                                            • GET/api/marketing/promotions/new Get new dynamic promotion object
                                              • Return Type

                                                • Add isAllowCombiningWithSelf//If this flag is set to true, it allows this promotion to combine with itself. Special for case when need to return same promotion rewards for multiple coupons
                                                • Add dynamicExpression
                                                • Add type//Required for UI. TODO: remove later
                                                • Add outerId
                                            • DELETE/api/marketing/promotions Delete promotions objects
                                              • Parameter

                                                • Add ids//promotions object ids for delete in the marketing system
                                                • ids change into not required
                                            • POST/api/marketing/promotions Add new dynamic promotion object to marketing system
                                              • Parameter

                                                • Add promotion//dynamic promotion object that needs to be added to the marketing system
                                                • Add promotion.isAllowCombiningWithSelf//If this flag is set to true, it allows this promotion to combine with itself. Special for case when need to return same promotion rewards for multiple coupons
                                                • Add promotion.dynamicExpression
                                                • Add promotion.type//Required for UI. TODO: remove later
                                                • Add promotion.outerId
                                                • promotion change into not required
                                              • Return Type

                                                • Add isAllowCombiningWithSelf//If this flag is set to true, it allows this promotion to combine with itself. Special for case when need to return same promotion rewards for multiple coupons
                                                • Add dynamicExpression
                                                • Add type//Required for UI. TODO: remove later
                                                • Add outerId
                                            • PUT/api/marketing/promotions Update a existing dynamic promotion object in marketing system
                                              • Parameter

                                                • Add promotion//>dynamic promotion object that needs to be updated in the marketing system
                                                • Add promotion.isAllowCombiningWithSelf//If this flag is set to true, it allows this promotion to combine with itself. Special for case when need to return same promotion rewards for multiple coupons
                                                • Add promotion.dynamicExpression
                                                • Add promotion.type//Required for UI. TODO: remove later
                                                • Add promotion.outerId
                                                • promotion change into not required
                                            • POST/api/marketing/promotions/coupons/search
                                              • Parameter

                                                • Add criteria
                                                • Add criteria.keyword
                                                • criteria change into not required
                                                • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                              • Return Type

                                              • GET/api/marketing/promotions/coupons/{id}
                                                • Return Type

                                                  • Add outerId
                                              • POST/api/marketing/promotions/coupons/add
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add coupons
                                                  • coupons change into not required
                                              • DELETE/api/marketing/promotions/coupons/delete
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add ids
                                                  • ids change into not required
                                              • POST/api/marketing/promotions/coupons/import
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add request
                                                  • request change into not required
                                              • DELETE/api/cms/{storeId}/menu
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add listIds
                                                  • listIds change into not required Notes Menu link list id change into
                                              • GET/api/cms/{storeId}/menu
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add storeId
                                                  • storeId Notes Store id change into
                                              • POST/api/cms/{storeId}/menu
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add list
                                                  • Add list.outerId
                                                  • Add list.createdDate
                                                  • Add list.modifiedDate
                                                  • Add list.createdBy
                                                  • Add list.modifiedBy
                                                  • list change into not required Notes Menu link list change into
                                              • GET/api/cms/{storeId}/menu/{listId}
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add storeId
                                                  • Add listId
                                                  • listId Notes List id change into
                                                  • storeId Notes Store id change into
                                                • Return Type

                                                  • Add outerId
                                                  • Add createdDate
                                                  • Add modifiedDate
                                                  • Add createdBy
                                                  • Add modifiedBy
                                              • GET/api/cms/{storeId}/menu/checkname
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add storeId
                                                  • Add name
                                                  • Add language
                                                  • Add id
                                                  • language Notes Language of menu link list change into
                                                  • name change into not required Notes Name of menu link list change into
                                                  • id Notes Menu link list id change into
                                                  • storeId Notes Store id change into
                                              • POST/api/platform/modules/getdependents Get all dependent modules for module
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add moduleDescriptors//modules descriptors
                                                  • moduleDescriptors change into not required Notes null change into modules descriptors
                                              • POST/api/platform/modules/getmissingdependencies Returns a flat expanded list of modules that depend on passed modules
                                                • Parameter

                                                  • Add moduleDescriptors//modules descriptors
                                                  • moduleDescriptors change into not required Notes null change into modules descriptors
                                              • POST/api/platform/modules/localstorage Upload module package for installation or update
                                                • Return Type

                                                • POST/api/platform/modules/install Install modules
                                                  • Parameter

                                                    • Add modules//modules for install
                                                    • modules change into not required Notes null change into modules for install
                                                  • Return Type

                                                  • POST/api/platform/modules/uninstall Uninstall module
                                                    • Parameter

                                                      • Add modules//modules
                                                      • modules change into not required Notes null change into modules
                                                    • Return Type

                                                    • POST/api/platform/modules/autoinstall Auto-install modules with specified groups
                                                      • Return Type

                                                      • POST/api/order/customerOrders/search Search customer orders by given criteria
                                                        • Parameter

                                                          • Add criteria//criteria
                                                          • Add criteria.ids
                                                          • criteria change into not required
                                                          • Deletecriteria.organizationId
                                                          • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                          • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                                        • Return Type

                                                          • Add results
                                                      • GET/api/order/customerOrders/number/{number} Find customer order by number
                                                        • Parameter

                                                          • Add respGroup//
                                                          • respGroup change into required
                                                        • Return Type

                                                        • GET/api/order/customerOrders/{id} Find customer order by id
                                                          • Parameter

                                                            • Add respGroup//
                                                            • respGroup change into required
                                                          • Return Type

                                                          • PUT/api/order/customerOrders/recalculate Calculate order totals after changes
                                                            • Parameter

                                                              • Add order//Customer order
                                                              • order change into not required
                                                            • Return Type

                                                            • POST/api/order/customerOrders/{orderId}/processPayment/{paymentId} Register customer order payment in external payment system
                                                              • Parameter

                                                                • Add BankCardNumber
                                                                • Add BankCardType
                                                                • Add BankCardMonth
                                                                • Add BankCardYear
                                                                • Add BankCardCVV2
                                                                • Add CardholderName
                                                                • DeletebankCardInfo//banking card information
                                                              • Return Type

                                                                • Add errorMessage
                                                                • Add paymentMethod.storeId
                                                                • Add paymentMethod.typeName
                                                                • Deleteerror
                                                                • DeletepaymentMethod.description
                                                            • DELETE/api/order/customerOrders Delete a whole customer orders
                                                              • Parameter

                                                                • Add ids//customer order ids for delete
                                                                • ids change into not required
                                                            • POST/api/order/customerOrders Add new customer order to system
                                                              • Parameter

                                                                • Add customerOrder//customer order
                                                                • customerOrder change into not required
                                                              • Return Type

                                                              • PUT/api/order/customerOrders Update a existing customer order
                                                                • Parameter

                                                                  • Add customerOrder//customer order
                                                                  • customerOrder change into not required
                                                              • GET/api/order/customerOrders/{id}/shipments/new Get new shipment for specified customer order
                                                                • Return Type

                                                                  • Add outerId
                                                                  • Add shippingMethod.storeId
                                                                  • Add shippingMethod.typeName
                                                                  • DeleteshippingMethod.description
                                                              • GET/api/order/customerOrders/{id}/payments/new Get new payment for specified customer order
                                                                • Return Type

                                                                  • Add paymentMethod.storeId
                                                                  • Add paymentMethod.typeName
                                                                  • Add processPaymentResult.errorMessage
                                                                  • Add processPaymentResult.paymentMethod.storeId
                                                                  • Add processPaymentResult.paymentMethod.typeName
                                                                  • Deleteamount
                                                                  • DeletepaymentMethod.description
                                                                  • DeleteprocessPaymentResult.error
                                                                  • DeleteprocessPaymentResult.paymentMethod.description
                                                              • GET/api/order/dashboardStatistics Get a some order statistic information for Commerce manager dashboard
                                                                • Return Type

                                                                • POST/api/paymentcallback Payment callback operation used by external payment services to inform post process payment in our system
                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                    • Add callback//payment callback parameters
                                                                    • callback change into not required
                                                                  • Return Type

                                                                    • Add paymentMethod
                                                                • POST/api/pricing/evaluate Evaluate prices by given context
                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                    • Add evalContext//Pricing evaluation context
                                                                    • evalContext change into not required
                                                                • POST/api/pricing/pricelists/evaluate Evaluate pricelists by given context
                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                    • Add evalContext//Pricing evaluation context
                                                                    • evalContext change into not required
                                                                • GET/api/pricing/assignments/{id} Get pricelist assignment
                                                                  • Return Type

                                                                    • Add outerId
                                                                    • Add pricelist.outerId
                                                                    • Add dynamicExpression.all
                                                                    • Add dynamicExpression.not
                                                                    • DeleteconditionExpression
                                                                    • DeletepredicateVisualTreeSerialized
                                                                • GET/api/pricing/assignments/new Get a new pricelist assignment
                                                                  • Return Type

                                                                    • Add outerId
                                                                    • Add pricelist.outerId
                                                                    • Add dynamicExpression.all
                                                                    • Add dynamicExpression.not
                                                                    • DeleteconditionExpression
                                                                    • DeletepredicateVisualTreeSerialized
                                                                • DELETE/api/pricing/pricelists Delete pricelists
                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                    • Add ids//An array of pricelist ids
                                                                    • ids change into not required
                                                                • GET/api/pricing/pricelists Get pricelists
                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                    • Add Currencies
                                                                    • Add ResponseGroup
                                                                    • Add ObjectType
                                                                    • Add ObjectTypes
                                                                    • Add ObjectIds
                                                                    • Add Keyword
                                                                    • Add LanguageCode
                                                                    • Add Sort
                                                                    • Add SortInfos
                                                                    • Add Skip
                                                                    • Add Take
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.currencies
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.keyword
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.responseGroup
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.objectType
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.objectTypes
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.objectIds
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.languageCode
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.sort
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.skip
                                                                    • Deletecriteria.take
                                                                  • Return Type

                                                                  • POST/api/pricing/pricelists Create pricelist
                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                      • Add priceList
                                                                      • Add priceList.outerId
                                                                      • priceList change into not required
                                                                    • Return Type

                                                                      • Add outerId
                                                                  • PUT/api/pricing/pricelists Update pricelist
                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                      • Add priceList
                                                                      • Add priceList.outerId
                                                                      • priceList change into not required
                                                                  • DELETE/api/pricing/assignments Delete pricelist assignments
                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                      • Add ids//An array of pricelist assignment ids
                                                                      • ids change into not required
                                                                  • GET/api/pricing/assignments Search pricelist assignments
                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                      • Add PriceListId
                                                                      • Add CatalogIds
                                                                      • Add PriceListIds
                                                                      • Add ResponseGroup
                                                                      • Add ObjectType
                                                                      • Add ObjectTypes
                                                                      • Add ObjectIds
                                                                      • Add Keyword
                                                                      • Add LanguageCode
                                                                      • Add Sort
                                                                      • Add SortInfos
                                                                      • Add Skip
                                                                      • Add Take
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.priceListId
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.catalogIds
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.priceListIds
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.keyword
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.responseGroup
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.objectType
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.objectTypes
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.objectIds
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.languageCode
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.sort
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.skip
                                                                      • Deletecriteria.take
                                                                    • Return Type

                                                                    • POST/api/pricing/assignments Create pricelist assignment
                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                        • Add assignment//PricelistAssignment
                                                                        • Add assignment.outerId
                                                                        • Add assignment.pricelist.outerId
                                                                        • Add assignment.dynamicExpression.all
                                                                        • Add assignment.dynamicExpression.not
                                                                        • assignment change into not required
                                                                        • Deleteassignment.conditionExpression
                                                                        • Deleteassignment.predicateVisualTreeSerialized
                                                                      • Return Type

                                                                        • Add outerId
                                                                        • Add pricelist.outerId
                                                                        • Add dynamicExpression.all
                                                                        • Add dynamicExpression.not
                                                                        • DeleteconditionExpression
                                                                        • DeletepredicateVisualTreeSerialized
                                                                    • PUT/api/pricing/assignments Update pricelist assignment
                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                        • Add assignment//PricelistAssignment
                                                                        • Add assignment.outerId
                                                                        • Add assignment.pricelist.outerId
                                                                        • Add assignment.dynamicExpression.all
                                                                        • Add assignment.dynamicExpression.not
                                                                        • assignment change into not required
                                                                        • Deleteassignment.conditionExpression
                                                                        • Deleteassignment.predicateVisualTreeSerialized
                                                                    • GET/api/catalog/products/prices/search Search product prices
                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                        • Add GroupByProducts
                                                                        • Add PriceListId
                                                                        • Add PriceListIds
                                                                        • Add ProductId
                                                                        • Add ProductIds
                                                                        • Add ModifiedSince
                                                                        • Add ResponseGroup
                                                                        • Add ObjectType
                                                                        • Add ObjectTypes
                                                                        • Add ObjectIds
                                                                        • Add Keyword
                                                                        • Add LanguageCode
                                                                        • Add Sort
                                                                        • Add SortInfos
                                                                        • Add Skip
                                                                        • Add Take
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.groupByProducts
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.priceListId
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.priceListIds
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.productId
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.productIds
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.modifiedSince
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.keyword
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.responseGroup
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.objectType
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.objectTypes
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.objectIds
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.languageCode
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.sort
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.skip
                                                                        • Deletecriteria.take
                                                                      • Return Type

                                                                      • PUT/api/products/{productId}/prices
                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                          • Add productPrice
                                                                          • Add productPrice.product.mainProductId
                                                                          • Add productPrice.product.outerId
                                                                          • Add productPrice.product.isInherited//System flag used to mark that object was inherited from other
                                                                          • productPrice change into not required
                                                                          • DeleteproductPrice.product.securityScopes
                                                                      • PUT/api/products/prices
                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                          • Add productPrices
                                                                          • productPrices change into not required
                                                                      • GET/api/pricing/pricelists/{id} Get pricelist
                                                                        • Return Type

                                                                          • Add outerId
                                                                      • DELETE/api/pricing/filteredAssignments Delete pricelist assignments
                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                          • Add PriceListId
                                                                          • Add CatalogIds
                                                                          • Add PriceListIds
                                                                          • Add ResponseGroup
                                                                          • Add ObjectType
                                                                          • Add ObjectTypes
                                                                          • Add ObjectIds
                                                                          • Add Keyword
                                                                          • Add LanguageCode
                                                                          • Add Sort
                                                                          • Add SortInfos
                                                                          • Add Skip
                                                                          • Add Take
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.priceListId
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.catalogIds
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.priceListIds
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.keyword
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.responseGroup
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.objectType
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.objectTypes
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.objectIds
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.languageCode
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.sort
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.skip
                                                                          • Deletecriteria.take
                                                                      • DELETE/api/pricing/pricelists/{pricelistId}/products/prices Delete all prices for specified product in specified price list
                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                          • Add productIds//
                                                                          • productIds change into not required
                                                                      • DELETE/api/pricing/products/prices Delete price by ids
                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                          • Add priceIds//
                                                                          • priceIds change into not required
                                                                      • POST/api/platform/pushnotifications SearchAsync push notifications
                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                          • Add Ids
                                                                          • Add OnlyNew
                                                                          • Add StartDate
                                                                          • Add EndDate
                                                                          • Add ResponseGroup
                                                                          • Add ObjectType
                                                                          • Add ObjectTypes
                                                                          • Add ObjectIds
                                                                          • Add Keyword
                                                                          • Add LanguageCode
                                                                          • Add Sort
                                                                          • Add SortInfos
                                                                          • Add Skip
                                                                          • Add Take
                                                                          • Deletecriteria
                                                                        • Return Type

                                                                        • POST/api/platform/pushnotifications/markAllAsRead Mark all notifications as read
                                                                          • Return Type

                                                                          • POST/api/platform/security/login Sign in with user name and password
                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                              • Add request//Login request.
                                                                              • Deletemodel
                                                                            • Return Type

                                                                              • Add succeeded
                                                                              • Add isLockedOut
                                                                              • Add isNotAllowed
                                                                              • Add requiresTwoFactor
                                                                              • DeleteuserName
                                                                              • Deleteemail
                                                                              • DeletephoneNumber
                                                                              • DeleteemailConfirmed
                                                                              • DeletephoneNumberConfirmed
                                                                              • DeletetwoFactorEnabled
                                                                              • DeletelockoutEndDateUtc
                                                                              • DeletelockoutEnabled
                                                                              • DeleteaccessFailedCount
                                                                              • DeletestoreId
                                                                              • DeletememberId
                                                                              • Deleteicon
                                                                              • DeleteisAdministrator
                                                                              • DeleteuserType
                                                                              • DeleteuserState
                                                                              • Deletepassword
                                                                              • DeletepasswordExpired
                                                                              • DeletepasswordHash
                                                                              • DeletesecurityStamp
                                                                              • Deletelogins
                                                                              • Deleteroles
                                                                              • Deletepermissions
                                                                              • DeleteapiAccounts
                                                                              • DeleteoperationsLog
                                                                              • DeletecreatedDate
                                                                              • DeletemodifiedDate
                                                                              • DeletecreatedBy
                                                                              • DeletemodifiedBy
                                                                              • Deleteid
                                                                          • GET/api/platform/security/currentuser Get current user details
                                                                            • Return Type

                                                                              • Deleteemail
                                                                              • DeletephoneNumber
                                                                              • DeleteemailConfirmed
                                                                              • DeletephoneNumberConfirmed
                                                                              • DeletetwoFactorEnabled
                                                                              • DeletelockoutEndDateUtc
                                                                              • DeletelockoutEnabled
                                                                              • DeleteaccessFailedCount
                                                                              • DeletestoreId
                                                                              • DeletememberId
                                                                              • Deleteicon
                                                                              • DeleteuserType
                                                                              • DeleteuserState
                                                                              • Deletepassword
                                                                              • DeletepasswordHash
                                                                              • DeletesecurityStamp
                                                                              • Deletelogins
                                                                              • Deleteroles
                                                                              • DeleteapiAccounts
                                                                              • DeleteoperationsLog
                                                                              • DeletecreatedDate
                                                                              • DeletemodifiedDate
                                                                              • DeletecreatedBy
                                                                              • DeletemodifiedBy
                                                                          • GET/api/platform/security/users/email/{email} Get user details by user email
                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                              • Add email//
                                                                            • Return Type

                                                                              • Add photoUrl
                                                                              • Add normalizedUserName
                                                                              • Add normalizedEmail
                                                                              • Add concurrencyStamp
                                                                              • Add lockoutEnd
                                                                              • DeletelockoutEndDateUtc
                                                                              • Deleteicon
                                                                              • DeleteuserState
                                                                              • Deletelogins
                                                                              • Deletepermissions
                                                                              • DeleteapiAccounts
                                                                              • DeleteoperationsLog
                                                                          • DELETE/api/platform/security/roles Delete roles by ID
                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                              • Add ids//An array of role IDs.
                                                                              • ids change into not required Notes null change into An array of role IDs.
                                                                          • PUT/api/platform/security/roles Update an existing role or create new
                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                              • Add role//
                                                                              • Add role.normalizedName
                                                                              • Add role.concurrencyStamp
                                                                              • role change into not required
                                                                            • Return Type

                                                                              • Add succeeded
                                                                              • Add errors
                                                                              • Deletename
                                                                              • Deletedescription
                                                                              • Deletepermissions
                                                                              • Deleteid
                                                                          • DELETE/api/platform/security/users Delete users by name
                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                              • Add names//An array of user names.
                                                                              • names change into not required Notes null change into An array of user names.
                                                                          • POST/api/platform/security/users SearchAsync users by keyword
                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                              • Add criteria//Search criteria.
                                                                              • Deleterequest
                                                                            • Return Type

                                                                              • Add results
                                                                          • PUT/api/platform/security/users Update user details by user ID
                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                              • Add user//User details.
                                                                              • Add user.photoUrl
                                                                              • Add user.normalizedUserName
                                                                              • Add user.normalizedEmail
                                                                              • Add user.concurrencyStamp
                                                                              • Add user.lockoutEnd
                                                                              • user change into not required Notes null change into User details.
                                                                              • Deleteuser.lockoutEndDateUtc
                                                                              • Deleteuser.icon
                                                                              • Deleteuser.userState
                                                                              • Deleteuser.logins
                                                                              • Deleteuser.permissions
                                                                              • Deleteuser.apiAccounts
                                                                              • Deleteuser.operationsLog
                                                                            • Return Type

                                                                            • GET/api/platform/security/users/{userName} Get user details by user name
                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                • Add userName//
                                                                              • Return Type

                                                                                • Add photoUrl
                                                                                • Add normalizedUserName
                                                                                • Add normalizedEmail
                                                                                • Add concurrencyStamp
                                                                                • Add lockoutEnd
                                                                                • DeletelockoutEndDateUtc
                                                                                • Deleteicon
                                                                                • DeleteuserState
                                                                                • Deletelogins
                                                                                • Deletepermissions
                                                                                • DeleteapiAccounts
                                                                                • DeleteoperationsLog
                                                                            • GET/api/platform/security/users/id/{id} Get user details by user ID
                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                • Add id//
                                                                              • Return Type

                                                                                • Add photoUrl
                                                                                • Add normalizedUserName
                                                                                • Add normalizedEmail
                                                                                • Add concurrencyStamp
                                                                                • Add lockoutEnd
                                                                                • DeletelockoutEndDateUtc
                                                                                • Deleteicon
                                                                                • DeleteuserState
                                                                                • Deletelogins
                                                                                • Deletepermissions
                                                                                • DeleteapiAccounts
                                                                                • DeleteoperationsLog
                                                                            • POST/api/platform/security/users/create Create new user
                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                • Add newUser//
                                                                                • Deleteuser
                                                                              • Return Type

                                                                              • POST/api/platform/security/users/{userName}/changepassword Change password
                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                  • Add userName//
                                                                                  • Add changePassword//Old and new passwords.
                                                                                  • Add changePassword.userName
                                                                                  • changePassword change into not required Notes null change into Old and new passwords.
                                                                                  • DeletechangePassword.forcePasswordChangeOnFirstLogin
                                                                                  • DeletechangePassword.token
                                                                                • Return Type

                                                                                  • Deletesucceeded
                                                                                  • Deleteerrors
                                                                              • POST/api/platform/security/currentuser/resetpassword Resets password for current user.
                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                  • Add resetPassword//Password reset information containing new password.
                                                                                  • Add resetPassword.forcePasswordChangeOnNextSignIn
                                                                                  • resetPassword change into not required Notes null change into Password reset information containing new password.
                                                                                  • DeleteresetPassword.forcePasswordChangeOnFirstLogin
                                                                                • Return Type

                                                                                • POST/api/platform/security/users/{userName}/resetpassword Reset password confirmation
                                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                                    • Add userName//
                                                                                    • Add resetPasswordConfirm//New password.
                                                                                    • DeleteresetPassword
                                                                                  • Return Type

                                                                                  • POST/api/platform/security/users/{userId}/resetpasswordconfirm Reset password confirmation
                                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                                      • Add userId//
                                                                                      • Add resetPasswordConfirm//New password.
                                                                                      • DeleteresetPassword
                                                                                    • Return Type

                                                                                    • POST/api/platform/security/users/{userId}/validatepasswordresettoken Validate password reset token
                                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                                        • Add resetPasswordToken
                                                                                        • resetPasswordToken change into not required
                                                                                    • POST/api/platform/security/users/{loginOrEmail}/requestpasswordreset Send email with instructions on how to reset user password.
                                                                                      • Return Type

                                                                                        • Deletesucceeded
                                                                                        • Deleteerrors
                                                                                    • POST/api/platform/security/validatepassword
                                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                                        • Add password
                                                                                        • password change into not required
                                                                                    • GET/api/platform/security/users/{id}/locked Checks if user locked
                                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                                        • Add id//User id
                                                                                        • id Notes null change into User id
                                                                                    • POST/api/platform/security/users/{id}/unlock Unlock user
                                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                                        • Add id//>User id
                                                                                        • id Notes null change into >User id
                                                                                      • Return Type

                                                                                      • POST/api/sitemaps/search
                                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                                          • Add request//
                                                                                          • Add request.keyword
                                                                                          • request change into not required
                                                                                          • Deleterequest.searchPhrase
                                                                                          • Deleterequest.sortInfos
                                                                                        • Return Type

                                                                                        • GET/api/sitemaps/{id}
                                                                                          • Parameter

                                                                                            • Add id//
                                                                                          • Return Type

                                                                                          • DELETE/api/sitemaps
                                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                                              • Add ids//
                                                                                              • ids change into not required
                                                                                          • POST/api/sitemaps
                                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                                              • Add sitemap//
                                                                                              • sitemap change into not required
                                                                                          • PUT/api/sitemaps
                                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                                              • Add sitemap//
                                                                                              • sitemap change into not required
                                                                                          • POST/api/sitemaps/items/search
                                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                                              • Add request//
                                                                                              • Add request.keyword
                                                                                              • request change into not required
                                                                                              • Deleterequest.searchPhrase
                                                                                              • Deleterequest.sortInfos
                                                                                            • Return Type

                                                                                            • POST/api/sitemaps/{sitemapId}/items
                                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                                • Add sitemapId//
                                                                                                • Add items//
                                                                                                • items change into not required
                                                                                            • DELETE/api/sitemaps/items
                                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                                • Add itemIds//
                                                                                                • itemIds change into not required
                                                                                            • GET/api/sitemaps/schema
                                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                                • Add storeId//
                                                                                                • storeId change into not required
                                                                                            • GET/api/sitemaps/generate
                                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                                • Add storeId//
                                                                                                • Add baseUrl//
                                                                                                • Add sitemapUrl//
                                                                                                • sitemapUrl change into not required
                                                                                                • baseUrl change into not required
                                                                                                • storeId change into not required
                                                                                            • GET/api/sitemaps/download
                                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                                • Add storeId//
                                                                                                • Add baseUrl//
                                                                                                • baseUrl change into not required
                                                                                                • storeId change into not required
                                                                                              • Return Type

                                                                                              • POST/api/stores/search Search stores
                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                  • Add criteria
                                                                                                  • criteria change into not required
                                                                                                  • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                                                                  • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                                                                                • Return Type

                                                                                                  • Add results
                                                                                              • DELETE/api/stores Delete stores
                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                  • Add ids//Ids of store that needed to delete
                                                                                                  • ids change into not required
                                                                                              • POST/api/stores Create store
                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                  • Add store//Store
                                                                                                  • Add store.outerId
                                                                                                  • Add store.typeName
                                                                                                  • store change into not required
                                                                                                  • Deletestore.taxProviders
                                                                                                  • Deletestore.paymentMethods
                                                                                                  • Deletestore.shippingMethods
                                                                                                • Return Type

                                                                                                  • Add outerId
                                                                                                  • Add typeName
                                                                                                  • DeletetaxProviders
                                                                                                  • DeletepaymentMethods
                                                                                                  • DeleteshippingMethods
                                                                                              • PUT/api/stores Update store
                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                  • Add store//Store
                                                                                                  • Add store.outerId
                                                                                                  • Add store.typeName
                                                                                                  • store change into not required
                                                                                                  • Deletestore.taxProviders
                                                                                                  • Deletestore.paymentMethods
                                                                                                  • Deletestore.shippingMethods
                                                                                              • GET/api/stores/{id} Get store by id
                                                                                                • Return Type

                                                                                                  • Add outerId
                                                                                                  • Add typeName
                                                                                                  • DeletetaxProviders
                                                                                                  • DeletepaymentMethods
                                                                                                  • DeleteshippingMethods
                                                                                              • POST/api/stores/send/dynamicnotification Send dynamic notification (contains custom list of properties) to store or administrator email
                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                  • Add request//
                                                                                                  • request change into not required
                                                                                              • POST/api/subscriptions/search Search subscriptions by given criteria
                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                  • Add criteria//criteria
                                                                                                  • criteria change into not required Notes null change into criteria
                                                                                                  • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                                                                  • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                                                                                • Return Type

                                                                                                  • Add results
                                                                                              • GET/api/subscriptions/{id}
                                                                                                • Return Type

                                                                                                • DELETE/api/subscriptions Delete subscriptions
                                                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                                                    • Add ids//subscriptions' ids for delete
                                                                                                    • ids change into not required Notes null change into subscriptions' ids for delete
                                                                                                • GET/api/subscriptions
                                                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                                                    • Add ids
                                                                                                    • ids change into not required
                                                                                                • POST/api/subscriptions
                                                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                                                    • Add subscription
                                                                                                    • subscription change into not required
                                                                                                  • Return Type

                                                                                                  • PUT/api/subscriptions
                                                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                                                      • Add subscription
                                                                                                      • subscription change into not required
                                                                                                    • Return Type

                                                                                                    • POST/api/subscriptions/order
                                                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                                                        • Add subscription
                                                                                                        • subscription change into not required
                                                                                                      • Return Type

                                                                                                      • POST/api/subscriptions/cancel
                                                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                                                          • Add cancelRequest
                                                                                                          • cancelRequest change into not required
                                                                                                        • Return Type

                                                                                                        • GET/api/subscriptions/plans/{id}
                                                                                                          • Return Type

                                                                                                          • DELETE/api/subscriptions/plans Delete payment plans
                                                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                                                              • Add ids//plans' ids for delete
                                                                                                              • ids change into not required Notes null change into plans' ids for delete
                                                                                                          • GET/api/subscriptions/plans
                                                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                                                              • Add ids
                                                                                                              • ids change into not required
                                                                                                          • POST/api/subscriptions/plans
                                                                                                            • Parameter

                                                                                                              • Add plan
                                                                                                              • plan change into not required
                                                                                                            • Return Type

                                                                                                            • PUT/api/subscriptions/plans
                                                                                                              • Parameter

                                                                                                                • Add plan
                                                                                                                • plan change into not required
                                                                                                              • Return Type

                                                                                                              • POST/api/subscriptions/plans/plenty Gets plans by plenty ids
                                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                                  • Add ids//Item ids
                                                                                                                  • ids change into not required Notes null change into Item ids
                                                                                                              • DELETE/api/image/thumbnails/options
                                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                                  • Add ids
                                                                                                                  • ids change into not required
                                                                                                              • POST/api/image/thumbnails/options
                                                                                                                • Parameter

                                                                                                                  • Add option
                                                                                                                  • option change into not required
                                                                                                                • Return Type

                                                                                                                • PUT/api/image/thumbnails/options
                                                                                                                  • Parameter

                                                                                                                    • Add option
                                                                                                                    • option change into not required
                                                                                                                • GET/api/image/thumbnails/options/{id}
                                                                                                                  • Return Type

                                                                                                                  • POST/api/image/thumbnails/options/search
                                                                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                                                                      • Add criteria
                                                                                                                      • Add criteria.keyword
                                                                                                                      • criteria change into not required
                                                                                                                      • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                                                                                      • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                                                                                                    • Return Type

                                                                                                                      • Add results
                                                                                                                      • Deleteresult
                                                                                                                  • DELETE/api/image/thumbnails/tasks
                                                                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                                                                      • Add ids
                                                                                                                      • ids change into not required
                                                                                                                  • POST/api/image/thumbnails/tasks
                                                                                                                    • Parameter

                                                                                                                      • Add task
                                                                                                                      • task change into not required
                                                                                                                    • Return Type

                                                                                                                    • PUT/api/image/thumbnails/tasks
                                                                                                                      • Parameter

                                                                                                                        • Add tasks
                                                                                                                        • tasks change into not required
                                                                                                                    • GET/api/image/thumbnails/tasks/{id}
                                                                                                                      • Return Type

                                                                                                                      • POST/api/image/thumbnails/tasks/search
                                                                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                                                                          • Add criteria
                                                                                                                          • criteria change into not required
                                                                                                                          • Deletecriteria.searchPhrase
                                                                                                                          • Deletecriteria.sortInfos
                                                                                                                        • Return Type

                                                                                                                          • Add results
                                                                                                                          • Deleteresult
                                                                                                                      • POST/api/image/thumbnails/tasks/run
                                                                                                                        • Parameter

                                                                                                                          • Add runRequest
                                                                                                                          • runRequest change into not required