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Last update: March 15, 2023


Module.manifest is an XML file containing a top-level <module> node with a number of section elements.

The module.manifest file is always included into a module package to:

  • Provide information to the platform runtime when a module is loading.
  • Build the module package.

File Settings

The module.manifest file can be configured using a number of required and optional settings.

Required Settings

  • <id>: A case-insensitive module identifier. It must be unique across the set of modules in which the module 6 resides. IDs cannot contain spaces or characters that are not valid for a URL. In general, they follow the .NET namespace rules.

  • <version>: The version of the package following the major.minor.patch pattern.

  • <platformVersion>: The minimum platform version the current module is compatible with.

  • <assemblyFile>: The value specifying the name of the assembly, which the module type is loaded from.

  • <moduleType>: A fully qualified name of the type. It includes its namespace with a class that implements the IModule interface. The module loader creates an instance of the module class, and then it calls the Initialize method.

    <moduleType>VirtoCommerce.CartModule.Web.Module, VirtoCommerce.CartModule.Web</moduleType>

Optional Settings

  • <version-tag>: A pre-release suffix of the version.

  • <title>, <description>,<authors>, <owners>: A human-friendly title and description of the module, which may be used in the Platform Manager UI.

    <title>Shopping cart module</title>
    <description>Shopping cart / checkout functionality</description>
      <author>Virto Commerce</author>
      <owner>Virto Commerce</owner>
  • <projectUrl>: A URL for the package home page displayed by the Platform Manager UI.

  • <iconUrl>: A path to an image file shown in the Platform Manager UI as a module icon. This can be either a path to an image file within the module, located in the Content folder, or a URL to an external image.

  • <dependencies>: Any number of <dependency> elements that identify other modules this module depends on.

      <dependency id="VirtoCommerce.Core"` `version="3.22.0" />
Module.manifest example
<module xmlns:xsi=""

  <title>Shopping cart module</title>
  <description>Shopping cart / checkout functionality</description>
    <author>Virto Commerce</author>
    <owner>Virto Commerce</owner>
  <moduleType>VirtoCommerce.CartModule.Web.Module, VirtoCommerce.CartModule.Web</moduleType>
    <dependency id="VirtoCommerce.Core" version="3.22.0" />  

Adding a New App

To add a new web, add the app section into the module.manifest file:

    <app id="reports">
        <description>Power BI Commerce Reports</description>

You can use the following attributes:

  • id: A unique identifier for the app, which distinguishes it from other apps in the system.
  • title: The name or title of the app that is displayed to the users.
  • description: A short description of the app that gives users an overview of what the app does and its purpose.
  • iconUrl: The URL or path to the app's icon or logo used to identify the app in the system.
  • permission: The permissions or access rights required to use the app, which are used to control who can access the app and its features.
  • contentPath: The default path to the app's content specifying where the app's files are stored. If the ContentPath is set to [VcModuleWeb]/Content/[Id], the app's content is stored in the Content folder of the VcModuleWeb module, with the app's Id appended to the end of the path.