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Last update: October 19, 2022


This section explains the basic configuration for the Notifications module.


There are options to configure the ASP.NET Core Identity system. For more information, read this guide.

Node Default or sample value Description
Password.PasswordHistory E.g., 4 The number of recent user passwords to check
during password validation. An old password
cannot be reused for this number of cycles.
If the value is set to 0 or not defined,
the password history will be disabled.
Password.RepeatedResetPasswordTimeLimit 0:01:0 The time limit after which a user can request a password reset.
Password.PasswordChangeByAdminEnabled true Application setting to disable administrators from setting
passwords for users in the system.
If you set PasswordChangeByAdminEnabled to false,
admin UI and API will limit changing the password for administrators.
User.MaxPasswordAge 90 The time span defining the maximum user password age
until it expires. The user is forced to change
the expired password upon login to the Platform Manager UI.
If the value is set to 0 or not defined, password expiration will be disabled.
User.RequireUniqueEmail A boolean setting that enforces unique email addresses for user accounts, when enabled.
When this setting is enabled, users will not be able to register or use an email address
that is already associated with another user account.
User.RemindPasswordExpiryInDays 7 Number of days to start showing a password
expiry warning in the Platform Manager UI.
Used only when password expiration is enabled.
Lockout.AutoAccountsLockoutJobEnabled false A boolean value indicating whether
the automatic accounts lockout job is enabled.
Lockout.LockoutMaximumDaysFromLastLogin 365 An integer value representing the maximum number of days
since the last login before an account is locked out.
Lockout.AutoAccountsLockoutJob default: "0 0 * * *" A string defining the cron expression
for the automatic accounts lockout job.
Lockout.DefaultLockoutTimeSpan The time span for which a user account is locked out when it exceeds the lockout thresholds.
This setting defines how long a user's account will be locked after a certain number of failed login attempts.



The result will be as follows:




There are options to configure lifetimes for security tokens that are issued by platform like password reset.

Node Default value Description
DataProtection.TokenLifespan "1.00:00:00" - Defaults to 1 day The amount of time a generated token remains valid.


Example settings for the DataProtection section:

"DataProtection": {
        "TokenLifespan": "24:00:00",        


This node is used for authentication with Azure Active Directory. Check how to enable authentication with Azure Active Directory for details.

Node Default or sample value Description
Enabled false Enables authentication with Azure Active Directory. By default, this value is false, i.e. the authentication is deisabled.
UsePreferredUsername false If set to true, the system will check the preffered_username in case the upn claim returns empty.
Priority 0 Configures the priority of the Azure Active Directory login popup on the Login page. The lowest value means the highest priority.
AuthenticationType Provides the authentication scheme. Must always have the AzureAD value set.
AuthenticationCaption Sets a human-readable caption for the Azure AD authentication provider. Visible on the Sign In page.
ApplicationId 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef The ID of the Virto Commerce platform application registered in Azure Active Directory. You can find it in the Azure control panel through Azure Active Directory → App registrations → (platform app) → Application ID.
TenantId abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789 The ID of the Azure AD domain that will be used for authentication. You can find it in the Azure control panel through Azure Active Directory → Properties → Directory ID.
AzureAdInstance URL of the Azure AD endpoint used for authentication.
DefaultUserType Manager
Default user type for new users created upon first sign in by Azure AD accounts.
DefaultUserRoles Order manager
Store manager
Default user roles assigned to new users created upon first sign-in by Azure AD accounts.
MetadataAddress An optional setting that enables the discovery endpoint for obtaining metadata. Must be set only when your app has custom signing keys.
UsePreferredUsername false Indicates whether to use the preferred_username claim as a fallback scenario in case the UPN claim is not set for getting user name.


Note to the MetadataAddress node

If your app has custom signing keys as a result of using the claim mapping feature, you should append the appid query parameter containing the app ID in order to get a jwks_uri pointing to your app's signing key information. For instance,{tenant}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration?appid=6731de76-14a6-49ae-97bc-6eba6914391e contains a jwks_uri of{tenant}/discovery/v2.0/keys?appid=6731de76-14a6-49ae-97bc-6eba6914391e.


Example settings for the AzureAD section:

"AzureAd": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "AuthenticationType": "AzureAD",
        "AuthenticationCaption": "Azure Active Directory",
        "ApplicationId": "b6d8dc6a-6ddd-4497-ad55-d65f91ca7f50",
        "TenantId": "fe353e8f-5f08-43b4-89d1-f4acec93df33",
        "AzureAdInstance": "",
        "DefaultUserType": "Manager",
        "UsePreferredUsername": false,
        "Priority": 0


This configuration node defines settings for the CRUD operations within the system.

Node Default or sample value Description
MaxResultWindow 2147483647 The maximum value for the combination of skip and take parameters in search requests. By setting this value to 2147483647, there are no specific limits on the number of records that can be retrieved in a single search request. This effectively allows retrieving a large number of records in a single query.


"Crud": {
    "MaxResultWindow": 2147483647

Application Insights

Add and customize the Application Insight section in the appsettings.json file.

Node Default or sample value Description
SamplingOptions.Processor Adaptive
Lets you choose between two sampling methods:
  • Adaptive sampling: automatically adjusts the volume of telemetry sent from the SDK in your ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core app, and from Azure Functions.
    Read more
  • Fixed-rate sampling: reduces the volume of telemetry sent from both applications. Unlike adaptive sampling, it reduces telemetry at a fixed rate controlled by SamplingPercentage setting.
IncludedTypes Dependency
A semi-colon delimited list of types to be sampled. The specified types will be sampled. All telemetry of other types will always be transmitted. All types are included by default.
ExcludedTypes Dependency
A semi-colon delimited list of types not to be sampled. All telemetry of the specified types is transmitted. The types that aren't specified will be sampled. Empty by default.
EnableSqlCommandTextInstrumentation true
For SQL calls, the name of the server and database is always collected and stored as the name of the collected Dependency Telemetry. Another field, called data, can contain the full SQL query text. To opt in to SQL Text collection, set this setting to true.
IgnoreSqlTelemetryOptions Controls the Application Insights telemetry processor that excludes SQL queries related to dependencies. Any SQL command name or statement that contains a string from the QueryIgnoreSubstrings options will be ignored.


To configure 'ApplicationInsights':

  1. Use current active telemetry configuration which is already initialized in most application types like ASP.NET Core:

      "ApplicationInsights": {
        "ConnectionString": "<Copy connection string from Application Insights Resource Overview>"

  2. Configure Platform AP telemetry behavior inside the VirtoCommerce:ApplicationInsights section:

      "VirtoCommerce": {
        "ApplicationInsights": {
          "SamplingOptions": {
            "Processor": "Adaptive",
            "Adaptive": {
              "MaxTelemetryItemsPerSecond": "5",
              "InitialSamplingPercentage": "100",
              "MinSamplingPercentage": "0.1",
              "MaxSamplingPercentage": "100",
              "EvaluationInterval": "00:00:15",
              "SamplingPercentageDecreaseTimeout": "00:02:00",
              "SamplingPercentageIncreaseTimeout": "00:15:00",
              "MovingAverageRatio": "0.25"
            "Fixed": {
              "SamplingPercentage": 90
            "IncludedTypes": "Dependency;Event;Exception;PageView;Request;Trace",
            "ExcludedTypes": ""
          "EnableSqlCommandTextInstrumentation": true,
          "IgnoreSqlTelemetryOptions": {
            "QueryIgnoreSubstrings": [


This node enables authentication with username and password.

Node Default or sample value Description
Enabled true Always enabled by default. Setting to false will disable logging in with username and password.
Priority 0 Configures the priority of the password login popup on the Login page. The lowest value means the highest priority.


This node is used for configuration of the background screen and background pattern of the Login page.

Node Default or sample value Description
BackgroundUrl Login page background URI. If set, takes priority over the preset.
PatternUrl Login page background pattern URI. If set, takes priority over the preset.
Preset demo Login page background preset name. If set, searches the preset from the preset list and applies BackgroundUrl and PatternUrl from it.
Presets A list of background presets.


Example settings for the Presets node:

"Presets": [
      "Name": "demo",
      "BackgroundUrl": "",
      "PatternUrl": "/images/pattern-demo.svg"
      "Name": "prod",
      "BackgroundUrl": "",
      "PatternUrl": "/images/pattern-live.svg"