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Last update: April 12, 2023

Creating Custom Module with DB Agnostic Approach

Use this technique if you want to develop a module that can work with different database systems without having to rewrite your code for each one.

Virto Commerce Module Templates for Dotnet is a tool that helps you generate the basic structure and files for a new module based on some parameters.

To create a new module with a database agnostic approach:

  1. Run the following command to create a CustomerReviews folder containing all the required projects and files for your module:

    dotnet new vc-module-dba-template --ModuleName CustomerReviews --Author "Jon Doe" --CompanyName VirtoCommerce
  2. Open the solution in Visual Studio.

Module Template Features

The template key features are:

  • It generates four projects allowing your module to be database agnostic. Each project provides a specific implementation for working with a particular database system. The CustomerReviews.Data project serves as the common base for all database-related functionality. These projects are:

    • CustomerReviews.Data
    • CustomerReviews.Data.MySql
    • CustomerReviews.Data.PostgreSql
    • CustomerReviews.Data.SqlServer

    Four projects

  • The Data.[Provider] projects have a specific structure and configuration for each database system: MySql, PostgreSql, and SqlServer:

    • Migrations folder contains the migration files for the database system.
    • DbContextOptionsBuilderExtensions class contains the helper method for configuring the DbContextOptionsBuilder for specific database provider.
    • [Provider]DbContextFactory class contains implementation of IDesignTimeDbContextFactory for for specific database provider.
    • file contains the instructions for configuring and migration creation the specific database provider.

    Data provider project

  • The Data project contains the common data models and interfaces that are shared by all database systems.

  • The Module.Initialize method registers the DbContext service using the AddDbContext extension method from Virto Commerce Platform Core library.


  • The OnModelCreating extension method customizes the entity type configuration for different database systems using conditional compilation symbols. You can specify the properties, keys, indexes, relationships, etc. of your entities using a fluent API.

    Customize Code-First Model Migrations

    To use this feature, you need to implement the IEntityTypeConfiguration<TEntity> interface in your entity configuration classes. It defines a Configure method that takes an EntityTypeBuilder<TEntity> parameter and configures various aspects of the entity type.

    Below is an example implementing this interface for CurrencyEntity:

    public class CurrencyEntityConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<CurrencyEntity>
        public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<CurrencyEntity> builder)
            builder.Property(x => x.ExchangeRate).HasColumnType("decimal").HasPrecision(18, 4);