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Last update: September 20, 2023

LineItemType object

The LineItemType represents the data structure that holds information about a line item, which is a specific product added to a cart or order.


Field Description
product Product The product associated with the line item.
inStockQuantity Int The quantity of the product currently in stock.
warehouseLocation String The location of the warehouse where the product is stored.
isValid Boolean Indicates whether the line item is valid.
validationErrors [ValidationErrorType] A list of validation errors associated with the line item.
catalogId String The identifier of the catalog to which the product belongs.
categoryId String The identifier of the category to which the product belongs.
createdDate DateTime The date and time when the line item was created.
height Decimal The height of the product.
id String! The unique identifier of the line item.
imageUrl String The URL of the image associated with the line item.
isGift Boolean Indicates whether the line item is a gift.
isReadOnly Boolean Indicates whether the line item is read-only.
isReccuring Boolean Indicates whether the line item is recurring.
selectedForCheckout Boolean Indicates whether the line item is selected for buying.
languageCode String The language code associated with the line item.
length Decimal The length of the product.
measureUnit String The unit of measurement for the product.
name String The name of the line item.
note String A note or additional information about the line item.
objectType String The type of object for the line item.
productId String The identifier of the product associated with the line item.
productType String The type of product for the line item.
quantity Int The quantity of the line item.
requiredShipping Boolean Indicates whether shipping is required for the line item.
shipmentMethodCode String The code representing the shipment method for the line item.
sku String The stock keeping unit (SKU) for the line item.
taxPercentRate Decimal The tax percent rate applied to the line item.
taxType String The type of tax applied to the line item.
thumbnailImageUrl String The URL of the thumbnail image associated with the line item.
volumetricWeight Decimal The volumetric weight of the line item.
weight Decimal The weight of the line item.
weightUnit String The unit of weight measurement used for the line item.
width Decimal The width of the product.
fulfillmentCenterId String The identifier of the fulfillment center associated with the line item.