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Last update: September 14, 2023

Categories query

This connection allows you to search for categories.


Argument Description
after String A cursor value to paginate through the results.
first Int The number of pages in a single query.
storeId String The ID of the store to retrieve pages from.
cultureName String A language to retrieve data in.
userId String The current user Id.
currencyCode String A standardized code of a specific currency.
query String Performs the full-text search.
filter String Filters query results.
fuzzy Boolean If true, includes slight variations
of the search text in the returned products.
fuzzyLevel Int The fuzziness level is measured by the
Damerau-Levenshtein distance. It calculates the number of operations
required to transform one word into another.
facet String Calculates statistical counts to aid in faceted navigation.
sort String Specifies the sorting order of the returned products.
productIds String Identifies specific products within a given store.

Possible returns

Possible return Description
CategoryConnection A connection to a list of categories.


    storeId: "B2B-Store"
    userId: "d97ee2c7-e29d-440a-a43a-388eb5586087"
    cultureName: "en-Us"
    currencyCode: "USD"
    first: 10
    after: "10"
  ) {
    items {
    pageInfo {
  "data": {
    "categories": {
      "items": [
          "id": "b674f311-5dbe-42f7-bc30-8076744c59bf",
          "name": "Kitchen supplies",
          "hasParent": false
          "id": "177c7dc2-7e21-4890-81fb-c7c0d37125b0",
          "name": "Coffee",
          "hasParent": true
          "id": "12240a74-ebc2-40cf-baea-5ba1a6408713",
          "name": "Tea",
          "hasParent": true
          "id": "782ed5be-08a6-4609-908a-d54f6cd15cd6",
          "name": "Gift cards",
          "hasParent": true
          "id": "e411f61f-f688-41db-80a0-fa804beb670f",
          "name": "Chocolate",
          "hasParent": true
          "id": "1df5e23c-6eef-4fa8-bf79-fa6777f19114",
          "name": "Cookie",
          "hasParent": true
      "pageInfo": {
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "startCursor": "10"