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Last update: September 27, 2022

Blade Toolbar

Blade toolbar represents a dedicated area inside a blade, where one can add controls, which we will call, for convenience, toolbar items.

Blade toolbar

Four toolbar items nested in the blade toolbar

Toolbar items can be added to a blade instance directly or using Virto Commerce platform toolbar extensibility service.

Adding Toolbar Items Directly to Blade Instance

Toolbar items are usually defined and added in the Angular.js controller, which is bound to a specific blade in the UI. Adding an item to the toolbar is pretty straightforward: you just need to define the $scope.blade.toolbarCommands array with the items in question:

$scope.blade.toolbarCommands = [
    name: "Save",
    icon: 'fa fa-save',
    title: 'Save action tooltip text', // or you can use keys for translation ""
    executeMethod: function () {
    canExecuteMethod: function () {
      return isDirty();
    permission: 'platform:security:manage'
    name: "Reset",
    icon: 'fa fa-undo',
    title: 'Reset action tooltip text',
    executeMethod: function () {
      angular.copy($scope.blade.origEntity, $scope.blade.currentEntity);
    canExecuteMethod: function () {
      return isDirty();
    permission: 'platform:security:manage'
    name: "Change password",
    icon: 'fa fa-refresh',
    title: 'Change password action tooltip text',
    executeMethod: function () {
      var newBlade = {
        id: 'accountDetailChild',
        currentEntityId: $scope.blade.currentEntity.userName,
        title: $scope.blade.title,
        subtitle: "Change your password",
        controller: 'platformWebApp.accountChangePasswordController',
        template: 'Scripts/common/security/blades/account-changePassword.tpl.html'
      bladeNavigationService.showBlade(newBlade, $scope.blade);
    canExecuteMethod: function () {
      return true;
    permission: 'platform:security:manage'

Adding Toolbar Items from External Code

A dedicated service is used for adding toolbar items externally, without having any reference to the blade instance. The preferred place for registering a toolbar item is the module run block in Angular.js. What you need is reference platformWebApp.toolbarService as toolbarService, create item option, and call register against the service:

  name: "ADDITIONAL COMMAND", icon: 'fa fa-cloud',
  title: 'Action command tooltip text',
  executeMethod: function (blade) {
    console.log('test: ' + + this.icon + blade);
  canExecuteMethod: function () { return true; },
  index: 2
}, 'virtoCommerce.marketingModule.itemsDynamicContentListController');

toolbarService.register parameters:

Parameter Description
toolbarItem Toolbar item definition.
toolbarController Full toolbar controller name.

Toolbar item definition structure:

Member Description
name Display name for the item.
icon Icon for toobar item.
title Tooltip message for the button.
executeMethod Function to run when the item is activated.
canExecuteMethod Function to determine whether the item could be executed. The item is disabled in the toolbar if the false value is returned.
index The 0-based position to insert the item in the toolbar.