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Last update: January 16, 2024


Gallery represents an image gallery component with upload and preview.


Include the vc-gallery component in your Vue application, providing theming and enhanced functionality to your image inputs.


Create a basic component as follows:

    <vc-gallery :images="imagesList"></vc-gallery>

To start using all the available gallery properties, specify the vc-gallery component when creating the schema. For example:

    id: "galleryId",
    component: "vc-gallery",
    uploadFolder: "folderForFilesUpload",
    property: "imagesList"

API empowers you to create a dynamic and interactive dynamic component to customize its appearance and behavior.

Basic Vue

You can easily incorporate the vc-gallery component into your Vue applications using simple templates.


To customize the appearance and behavior of your component, use the following props:

Property and Type Description
images ICommonAsset[] Array of images for the gallery.
disabled boolean Indicates if the gallery is disabled.
required boolean Indicates if the gallery is required.
label string Label for the gallery.
tooltip string Tooltip text for the gallery.
tooltipIcon string Icon for the tooltip. Default: fas fa-info
uploadIcon string Icon for the upload button. Default: fas fa-upload
multiple boolean Indicates if multiple images can be uploaded.
variant "gallery", "file-upload" Variant of the gallery component. Default: gallery
itemActions {preview: boolean, edit: boolean, remove: boolean} Actions to be displayed for each image in the gallery. Default: () => ({ preview: true, edit: true, remove: true })
hideAfterUpload boolean Indicates if to hide the upload overlay after uploading files.
rules string, Record Validation rules for the gallery.
name string Name of the gallery. Default: Gallery
loading boolean Indicates if the gallery is in a loading state.


To effectively interact with the component, use the emitted events:

Name Parameters ReturnType Description
upload files: FileList, startingSortOrder?: number void Emits files to upload with initial sortOrder.
sort sorted: ICommonAsset[] void Emits an sorted array.
edit image: ICommonAsset void Emits image to edit.
remove image: ICommonAsset void Emits image to remove.

Dynamic Views

To dynamically integrate the vc-gallery component into your views, use the schema interface:

interface GallerySchema {
    id: string;
    component: "vc-gallery";
    label?: string;
    property: string;
    rules?: IValidationRules;
    tooltip?: string;
    hideAfterUpload?: boolean;
    actions?: {
        preview: boolean;
        edit: boolean;
        remove: boolean;
    disabled?: {
        method: string;
    visibility?: {
        method: string;
    update?: {
        method: string;

To incorporate the component into your dynamic applications, define the following properties:

Property and Type Description
id string The unique Id for the vc-gallery component.
component vc-gallery Component used in schema.
label string Label for the gallery. Also available interpolation {} syntax based on current element context.
property string Property name that is used for binding gallery value to blade data.
Supports deep nested properties like property[1].myProperty.
Additionally, you have the flexibility to bind any function or computed property that returns a value and retrieve changed value as an argument for the function.
rules IValidationRules Validation rules for the gallery. It uses VeeValidate validation rules.
tooltip string Tooltip text for the gallery label.
hideAfterUpload boolean Indicates if the upload overlay should be hidden after uploading files.
Default: false
actions {preview: boolean, edit: boolean, remove: boolean} Actions to be displayed on hover for each image in the gallery.
Default: {preview: true, edit: true, remove: true}
disabled {method: string} Disabled state for component, could be used to disable gallery based on some conditions. Method or variable should be defined in the blade scope and should return a boolean value.
visibility {method: string} Visibility state for component, could be used to hide gallery based on some conditions. Method or variable should be defined in the blade scope and should return a boolean value.
update {method: string} Method to call when the gallery value is updated. Method should be defined in the blade scope.


The gallery allows displaying images from an array of images, as well as uploading, previewing, editing, and deleting them. It has customizable actions for images, such as viewing, editing, and deleting.

To upload images, use the assetsHandler key in the details composables scope. assetsHandler has an interface for both images and assets, but in this case, we need the image interface. It includes a loading state, upload, remove, and edit methods. You can either use custom methods or the useAssets composable provided in the @vc-shell/framework.

useAssets composable

The useAssets composable includes asset processing methods - upload, edit, remove - as well as a loading state. The interface of the useAssets composable looks like this:

interface IUseAssets {
  upload: (files: FileList, uploadPath: string, startingSortOrder?: number) => Promise<ICommonAsset[]>;
  remove: (filesToDelete: ICommonAsset[], initialAssetArr: ICommonAsset[]) => ICommonAsset[];
  edit: (updatedFiles: ICommonAsset[], initialAssetArr: ICommonAsset[]) => ICommonAsset[];
  loading: ComputedRef<boolean>;
Property and Type Description
upload (files: FileList, uploadPath: string, startingSortOrder?: number) => Promise Method for uploading files. Accepts a FileList object, an upload path, and an optional starting sort order. Returns a promise that resolves to an array of ICommonAsset objects.
remove (filesToDelete: ICommonAsset[], initialAssetArr: ICommonAsset[]) => ICommonAsset[] Method for removing files. Accepts an array of ICommonAsset objects to delete and the initial array of ICommonAsset objects. Returns an array of ICommonAsset objects after removing the specified files.
edit (updatedFiles: ICommonAsset[], initialAssetArr: ICommonAsset[]) => ICommonAsset[] Method for editing files. Accepts an array of ICommonAsset objects to update and the initial array of ICommonAsset objects. Returns an array of ICommonAsset objects after updating the specified files.
loading ComputedRef Computed property that returns a boolean indicating whether the assets are currently being loaded.

Now let's look at an example of connecting gallery actions in the details composable of a sample vc-app:

import { Image } from "@vc-app/api";

const { upload: imageUpload, remove: imageRemove, edit: imageEdit, loading: imageLoading } = useAssets();

const scope = ref<OfferDetailsScope>({
    assetsHandler: {
      images: {
        loading: imageLoading,
        async upload(files: FileList, startingSortOrder: number) {
          return (await imageUpload(files, `offers/${}`, startingSortOrder)).map((x) => new Image(x));
        remove(files: ICommonAsset[]) {
          return imageRemove(files, item.value.images);
        edit(files: ICommonAsset[]) {
          return imageEdit(files, item.value.images).map((x) => new Image(x));

As you can see, in the upload and edit methods, we need to transform ICommonAsset objects into Image class objects from the client's API to use them in the gallery. This is necessary because ICommonAsset lacks some fields present in the Image class. Since images in the gallery often have their sortOrder, we can obtain the sortOrder of the last existing element in the array of images and pass it to the upload method so that the uploaded images have a sortOrder following the last existing one.

A basic example of a composable for image processing can be found in the vc-app sample folder in VirtoCommerce/.vc-shell repository: useAssets. Since dynamic views default to using this interface, it's essential to adhere to this specific writing style.