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Last update: January 11, 2024


Input is an extension of a standard input element.


Include the vc-input component in your Vue application, providing theming and enhanced functionality to your inputs.



Create a basic input as follows:

    <vc-card header="Card label"></vc-card>

To start using all the available input properties, specify the vc-input component when creating the schema. For example:

    id: "inputId",
    component: "vc-input",
    label: "Input label",
    property: "inputProperty",
    placeholder: "Input placeholder",

Input API

API empowers you to create dynamic and interactive input component to customize its appearance and behavior.

Basic Vue

You can easily incorporate the vc-input component into your Vue applications using simple templates.


To customize the appearance and behavior of your input, use the following props:

Property and Type Description
modelValue string, number, Date, null, undefined Model of the component; Use with a listener for 'update:model-value' event OR use v-model directive.
label string Input label text.
placeholder string Input placeholder text.
type "text", "password", "email", "tel", "number", "url", "time", "date", "datetime-local" Input type. Default value: text
hint string Input description (hint) text below input component.
clearable boolean Appends clearable icon when a value is set. When clicked, model becomes null.
prefix string Prefix.
suffix string Suffix.
name string Used to specify the name of the control. If not specified, it takes the value 'Field'.
loading boolean Signals the user a process is in progress by displaying a spinner
debounce string, number Debounce amount (in milliseconds) when updating model
disabled boolean Put component in disabled mode
autofocus boolean Focus field on initial component render
error boolean Shows, if the field has validation errors
errorMessage string Validation error message (gets displayed only if 'error' is set to 'true')
maxlength string, number Specify a max length of model. Default value: 1024
tooltip string Input tooltip information
required boolean Input required state
multilanguage boolean Input multilanguage state
currentLanguage string Input current language


To enhance the content of the vc-input component, use the slot system:

Name Type Description
control (scope: { editable: boolean \| undefined; focused: boolean \| undefined; modelValue: string \| number \| Date \| null; emitValue: (value: string \| number \| Date \| null) => void; placeholder: string \| undefined; }) => any Slot for controls
prepend void Prepend outer field
prepend-inner void Prepend inner field
append-inner void Append to inner field
append void Append outer field
error void Slot for errors
hint void Slot for hint text


To interact with the vc-input component, use the emitted events. The update:modelValue event is triggered when the value of the component changes:

Name Parameters ReturnType Description
update:modelValue value: string \| number \| Date \| null void Emitted when the value of the component changes.

Dynamic Views

To dynamically integrate the vc-input component into your views, use the schema interface:

interface InputSchema {
    id: string;
    component: "vc-input";
    label?: string;
    property: string;
    rules?: IValidationRules;
    placeholder?: string;
    tooltip?: string;
    clearable?: boolean;
    variant?: "number" | "text" | "password" | "email" | "tel" | "url" | "time" | "date" | "datetime-local";
    disabled?: {
        method: string;
    visibility?: {
        method: string;
    update?: {
        method: string;
    prepend?: ControlSchema;
    prependInner?: ControlSchema;
    append?: ControlSchema;
    appendInner?: ControlSchema;

To incorporate the input into your dynamic applications, define the following properties:

Property and Type Description
id string The unique Id for the vc-input component.
component vc-input Component used in schema.
label string Label for the input. Also available interpolation {} syntax based on current element context.
property string Property name that is used for binding input value to blade data.
Supports deep nested properties like property[1].myProperty.
Additionally, you have the flexibility to bind any function or computed property that returns a value and retrieve changed value as an argument for the function.
rules IValidationRules Validation rules for the input. Uses VeeValidate validation rules.
placeholder string Placeholder text for the input.
tooltip string Tooltip text for the input label.
clearable boolean Whether the input has a clear button.
variant string Input variant.
disabled {method: string} Disabled state for component, could be used to disable input based on some conditions. Method or variable should be defined in the blade scope and should return a boolean value.
visibility {method: string} Visibility state for component, could be used to hide input based on some conditions. Method or variable should be defined in the blade scope and should return a boolean value.
update {method: string} Method to call when the input value is updated. Method should be defined in the blade scope.
prepend ControlSchema Schema of component to be displayed before the input.
prependInner ControlSchema Schema of component to be displayed inside the input before the value.
append ControlSchema Schema of component to be displayed after the input.
appendInner ControlSchema Schema of component to be displayed inside the input after the value.