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Last update: January 11, 2024


A widget is a standalone component that can display information and perform actions when clicked. Widgets can be used in both dynamic views and templates.


To create a widget, you need to generate a new file within the components/widgets folder of your module. For instance, if you named it MyWidget in the schema or template, the exported component should share the same name. Essentially, widgets are standard Vue components capable of utilizing other components and markup.


Component creation

The widget component is constructed using the VcWidget component from the UI kit @vc-shell/framework. This component accepts the following parameters as props:

Property and Type Description
title string The title of the widget.
value string, number Count to display.
icon string The widget's icon, using FontAwesome icons set.
disabled string Disabled state.

The widget component, by default, includes the incoming prop modelValue, containing the blade context. This context holds the item object, which contains data about the current item displayed in the blade, along with other data useful for the widget. The component also features an update:modelValue event that facilitates updating the blade context when necessary.

The default Props and Events of the widget component are as follows:

const props = defineProps<{
  modelValue: T;

const emit = defineEmits<{
  (event: "update:modelValue", context: T);

Readmore DynamicBladeForm

Counter Setup

Since the widget component operates independently, the logic for fetching data for the widget should be implemented within the component itself. To achieve this, incorporate the useAsync method from the @vc-shell/framework package into the widget component. This method serves as a wrapper for API requests, and it should be invoked when the component is mounted to update the widget's counter value. Additionally, utilize useApiClient to obtain an instance of the API client, which will be used for API requests.

Here is a sample implementation of the logic that fetches data for the widget:

import { useAsync, useApiClient } from "@vc-shell/framework";
 * Import your API client
import { VcmpClient, QueryFromApi } from "{ path to your API client }"

 * Use the imported API client
const { getApiClient } = useApiClient(VcmpClient);
const client = getApiClient();

 * Define the counter
const count = ref(0);

 * Use the useAsync wrapper to get `totalCount` from the API
const { loading, action: getCount } = useAsync<QueryFromApi, number | undefined>(async (query) => {
  return (await client).searchItems(query).then((res) => res.totalCount);

 * Call the `getCount` method
async function populateCounter() {
  count.value = await getCount({
    take: 0,

 * Call the `populateCounter` method on component mounted
onMounted(async () => {
  if (props.modelValue?.item?.id) {
    await populateCounter();

Counter Updating

Since the widget component loads data only when mounted, you also need to add a watcher from the vueUse library - watchDebounced, which allows reloading data when the item from the blade context changes. This item is passed to the widget in modelValue.

import { watchDebounced } from "@vueuse/core";

  () => props.modelValue?.item,
  async () => {
    await populateCounter();
  { debounce: 500, maxWait: 1000 }


Updating the item usually occurs when data is updated in the blade. Therefore, when saving data, it is important to remember that the widget is updated twice - once when saving and once when loading data into the blade.

Creating a Click Action for the Widget

To add an action when clicking the widget, include a clickHandler method in the widget component. This method is called when clicking the widget and should be bound to the click event on the VcWidget component used as the template. In this method, you can implement any logic executed when clicking the widget. More often than not, this involves opening a new blade, which can be accomplished using the openBlade method from the useBladeNavigation composable:

    // ...
    // ...
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useBladeNavigation } from "@vc-shell/framework";

const { openBlade, resolveBladeByName } = useBladeNavigation();
const widgetOpened = ref(false);

async function clickHandler() {
  if (!widgetOpened.value) {
    await openBlade({
      blade: resolveBladeByName("BladeName"),
      onOpen() {
        widgetOpened.value = true;
      onClose() {
        widgetOpened.value = false;

Basic Example of the Widget Component

Since any logic can be implemented in the widget, let's consider its basic version based on this guide. This version opens a new blade when clicking on the widget and also fetches and updates the widget counter using API requests.

        title="My Widget"
        icon="fas fa-tags"
import { useAsync, useApiClient, useBladeNavigation } from "@vc-shell/framework";
import { watchDebounced } from "@vueuse/core";

const props = defineProps<{
    modelValue: {
        item: Record<string, any>;

const emit = defineEmits<{
    (event: "update:modelValue", context: Record<string, any>);

const { getApiClient } = useApiClient(VcmpClient);
const client = getApiClient();

const { openBlade, resolveBladeByName } = useBladeNavigation();

const widgetOpened = ref(false);
const count = ref(0);

    () => props.modelValue?.item,
    async () => {
        await populateCounter();
    { debounce: 500, maxWait: 1000 }

const { loading, action: getCount } = useAsync<QueryFromApi, number | undefined>(async (query) => {
    return (await client).searchItems(query).then((res) => res.totalCount);

async function clickHandler() {
    if (!widgetOpened.value) {
        await openBlade({
            blade: resolveBladeByName("BladeName"),
            onOpen() {
                widgetOpened.value = true;
            onClose() {
                widgetOpened.value = false;

async function populateCounter() {
    count.value = await getCount({
        take: 0,

onMounted(async () => {
    if (props.modelValue?.item?.id) {
        await populateCounter();

Registering Widgets

To register a widget, add its export to the main index.ts file located in the components folder of your module. For example, if you specified the name MyWidget in the schema, the component export should have the same name. Afterward, by adding all your components to the createDynamicAppModule method in the moduleComponents option, you will be able to use them in dynamic views.

Readmore Registering Custom Templates