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Last update: January 11, 2024

Creating Custom Templates

Custom templates are used to customize the appearance of the dynamic views to your needs. You can create custom templates for the mobile view, empty list, and not found list. To do so, specify the name of the custom template in the schema of the dynamic view.


To create any custom template mentioned in the schema, you need to create a new file in the components folder of your module. For example, if you specified the name MobileGridView in the schema, the component export should have the same name. Essentially, custom templates are regular Vue components that can use other components and markup.

Mobile View Template

The component used as the mobile view template always has incoming parameters - context, which is passed from the dynamic view's table.

The context prop in Mobile View Template represents the context of the blade's table, containing the data for each specific item displayed in the table. It corresponds to a specific object in the table's data array.

Let's look at the example script block for the custom template component MobileGridView:

<script setup lang="ts">
export interface Props {
  context: {
    item: Record<string, any>;


You can find an example markup for the mobile view template in the sample/vc-app repository in the @vc-shell directory.

Not Found Grid Template

The component used as the not found list template serves as a placeholder displayed when nothing is found using the search. It has a reset event that can be triggered when the Reset button in the dynamic view's table is clicked.

Let's look at the example script block for the custom template component NotFoundGridTemplate:

<script setup lang="ts">
export interface Emits {
  (event: "reset"): void;


You can find an example markup for the not found list template in the sample/vc-app repository in the @vc-shell directory.

Empty Grid Template

The component used as the empty list template serves as a placeholder displayed when the list is empty. It has an add event that triggers the creation of a new item in the DynamicBladeForm view.

Let's look at an example script block for the custom template component EmptyGridTemplate:

<script setup lang="ts">
export interface Emits {
  (event: "add"): void;


You can find an example markup for the empty list template in the sample/vc-app repository in the @vc-shell directory.

Status in DynamicBladeForm

The component used as the status template that is displayed in the top right corner of the DynamicBladeForm view. It has context prop, that is passed from the DynamicBladeForm view.

<script setup lang="ts">
export interface Props {
    context: Record<string, any>;


You can provide your own status component in the DynamicBladeForm view using the status option in the settings object:

export const details: DynamicDetailsSchema = {
  settings: {
    // ...
    status: {
      component: "MpProductStatus",

Readmore DynamicBladeForm

Registering Custom Templates

To use custom templates and components in dynamic views, you need to register them in the global component registry. Import them into the index.ts file of your module and register them in the global component registry in the initialization method of the dynamic module using the moduleComponents option in the createDynamicAppModule function:

 * Import your custom components and templates
import * as components from "./components";
import { createDynamicAppModule } from "@vc-shell/framework";

export default createDynamicAppModule({
        // ...
        moduleComponents: components,
        // ...

After this, all registered components and templates will be available for use in dynamic views.