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Last update: November 9, 2023

Manage contacts

Managing contact entities (companies, employees, customers, and vendors) includes:

Add contacts

To add a contact:

  1. Click Contacts in the main menu.

  2. In the next blade, click Add in the toolbar to open the New Contact blade.

  3. Select the entity you need and start creating your contact. We will use Organization as an example. Adding employees, contacts, and vendors is a similar process.

    enter image description here

    Assigning organizations or users to particular user groups enables showing personal offers to them.

    Readmore Assigning user groups to products and categories

    Readmore Managing personal prices

  4. Click Create to save the changes.

The company appears in the Companies and Contacts list.

Edit contacts

To edit any previously added contact:

  1. Click Contacts in the main menu.

  2. In the Companies and Contacts blade, click the three dots to the left of the required contact's name and click Manage in the popup menu.

  3. In the next blade, update the contact and click Save in the toolbar to save the changes.

Edit contact


Editing the Company details blade allows you to upload and assign assets (images, documents, etc.) to this company. Use the Assets widget that appears when editing the company details.

The contact has been edited.

Delete contacts

To delete a contract:

  1. Click Contacts in the main menu.

  2. In the Companies and Contacts blade, check the contact you need to delete.

  3. Click Delete in the toolbar.

  4. Confirm your action.

The contact has been deleted.