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The VirtoCommerce Global Tool (vc-build) is the official CLI .NET Core GlobalTool that helps you build, test and deploy releases, create and push NuGet packages, provide package management for projects based on VirtoCommerce, and automate common DevOps tasks. It is powered by - a cross-platform build automation system with C# DSL, that provides an approach to embrace existing IDE tooling and state where everyone in a team can manage and change the build scenarios. This allows writing build scenarios in C# and debugging them in Visual Studio. Also, along with cross-platform support, it was the best choice for us to build our own build automation solution on top of this project.

Check out the project source code for the implementation details.

vc-build CLI

The key features:

Build automation

  • build and bundle a module project (both managed and scripted parts)
  • discover and run all the unit tests from the solution
  • create and publish NuGet packages for projects from your solution, this can be helpful if you intend to re-use a module's logic in another project, you will be able to quickly publish the needed version as a NuGet package. In the private or public NuGet registry
  • include targets that allow performing various additional quality checks such as static code analysis (currently we support out-of-the-box integration with SonarCloud)

Packages management

  • install, update, uninstall modules
  • install and update a platform application
  • prepare backend package with specific versions of the platform and modules from the manifest file

The platform cold start optimization and data migration (WIP)

  • platform start optimization (slow run on Azure case)
  • get idempotent SQL scripts for all modules EF migrations with the ability to apply them in a specific order without installed platform and source code (helpful for migration from VirtoCommerce platform version 2 (latest) to version 3)

Before you start

Before you start using VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool, install the following in order to use all its functionality:

  • .NET SDK 5.x
  • Node.js 12.x
  • Git SCM


Run this command to install VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool on your machine:

dotnet tool install VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool  -g


Run this command to update VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool to the latest version:

dotnet tool update VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool -g

Getting started

To use VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool by invoke the tool run the following command: vc-build

To get the list of all targets:

vc-build help
Command output:

NUKE Execution Engine version 5.0.2 (Windows,.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1)

Target with name 'help' does not exist. Available targets are:
  - ChangeVersion
  - Clean
  - ClearTemp
  - Compile
  - CompleteHotfix
  - CompleteRelease
  - Compress
  - GetManifestGit
  - GrabMigrator
  - IncrementMinor
  - IncrementPatch
  - Init
  - InitPlatform
  - Install
  - InstallModules
  - InstallPlatform
  - MassPullAndBuild
  - Pack
  - Publish
  - PublishManifestGit
  - PublishModuleManifest
  - PublishPackages
  - QuickRelease
  - Release
  - Restore
  - SonarQubeEnd
  - SonarQubeStart
  - StartAnalyzer
  - StartHotfix
  - StartRelease
  - SwaggerValidation
  - Test
  - Uninstall
  - Update
  - UpdateManifest
  - ValidateSwaggerSchema
  - WebPackBuild

Last update: June 24, 2021