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Developing Your Custom Notification


This guide describes how to define notificationss and notification predefinitions, and how to send them.

Registering Your Own Notification

To register a new notification, do the following:

  1. Create a notification and give it a name (e.g., SampleEmailNotification), basing it on the EmailNotification class (there is also another standard class, SmsNotification):

    public class SampleEmailNotification : EmailNotification
        public SampleEmailNotification() : base(nameof(SampleEmailNotification)) {}

You can find some code samples here.

  1. Get the INotificationRegistrar service in the PostInitialize method of the Module.cs file:

    var registrar = appBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetService<INotificationRegistrar>();
  2. Call the RegisterNotification method and set the generic type parameter to SampleEmailNotification:


    You can find some code samples here

Setting Default Notification Templates and Sample Data

There are two ways to declare and distribute predefined notification templates and sample data:

  1. Using the files included into the module bundle
  2. Through inline definition in the source code

Using Module Bundle

This is the main way to distribute defaults. Commerce bundled VC-modules store notification predifinitions this way. To do the same for your custom module, do the following:

  1. For every notification type, create a subject template of the email, a body template, and sample data in three different files, according to the [NotificationName]_[PartPostfixe] file name convention, where PartPostfixe means:
PartPostfixe Description
subject.txt UTF-8 text file with the subject rendering template
body.html Body rendering template
sample.json Sample object JSON file
  1. Put the files to a folder inside the *.Web project of your module (for example, Templates).
  2. Modify the *.Web.csproj file to allow the predifinition file to be copied upon publishing. Technically, you need to add the following lines:
        <NotificationTemplates Include="Templates/**" />
    <Target Name="CopyCustomContentOnPublish" AfterTargets="Publish">
        <Copy SourceFiles="@(NotificationTemplates)" DestinationFiles="$(PublishDir)\..\%(Identity)" />
  1. Use the WithTemplatesFromPath extension to attach predifinitions from the folder while registering the notification type in Module.cs:
var moduleTemplatesPath = Path.Combine(ModuleInfo.FullPhysicalPath, "Templates");
registrar.RegisterNotification<SampleEmailNotification>().WithTemplatesFromPath(Path.Combine(moduleTemplatesPath, "Custom"), Path.Combine(moduleTemplatesPath, "Default"));

You can find the full sample here. Also, we encourage you to view how it works in a real commerce-bundle module here.

Hardcode as Inline Definition:

There is a less useful but still possible way to define predifinitions directly in the source code:

registrar.RegisterNotification<SampleEmailNotification>().WithTemplates(new EmailNotificationTemplate()
            Subject = "Sample subject",
            Body = "<p>Sample text</p>",

You can also do so from an assembly embedded resource:

var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
registrar.RegisterNotification<SampleEmailNotification>().WithTemplates(new EmailNotificationTemplate()
            Subject = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("VirtoCommerce.NotificationsSampleModule.Web.Templates.SampleEmailNotification_subject.txt").ReadToString(),
            Body = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("VirtoCommerce.NotificationsSampleModule.Web.Templates.SampleEmailNotification_body.html").ReadToString()

You can find some code samples here.

Sending Notification from Code

  1. After registering your notification, you need to call two services: INotificationSearchService and INotificationSender.
  2. Assuming we have 'SampleService' as a sample, we need to add the services to the constructor this way:

    public class SampleService 
        private readonly INotificationSearchService _notificationSearchService;
        private readonly INotificationSender _notificationSender;
        public SampleService(INotificationSender notificationSender, INotificationSearchService notificationSearchService)
            _notificationSender = notificationSender;
            _notificationSearchService = notificationSearchService;
  3. Get the notification via INotificationSearchService through the method you need:

    var notification = await _notificationSearchService.GetNotificationAsync<SampleEmailNotification>();
  4. Set all notification parameters for the notification, like this:

     notification.LanguageCode = 'en-US';
     notification.SetFromToMembers("[email protected]", "[email protected]");    
  5. Send the notification instantly:

    await _notificationSender.SendNotificationAsync(notification);

    Or schedule it like this:


You can find our demo code samples here.

Extending Existing Notification Type and Template

If you want to extend an existing notification, you need to:

  1. Create a notification based on the derived notification:

    public class ExtendedSampleEmailNotification : SampleEmailNotification
        public ExtendedSampleEmailNotification() : base(nameof(ExtendedSampleEmailNotification))

We have some sample code here.

  1. Override the notification type through INotificationRegistrar:

    registrar.OverrideNotificationType<SampleEmailNotification, ExtendedSampleEmailNotification>();

Feel free to use sample code here.

  1. Add templates for the extended notification, if required:

    registrar.OverrideNotificationType<SampleEmailNotification, ExtendedSampleEmailNotification>().WithTemplates(new EmailNotificationTemplate()
                Subject = "Extended SampleEmailNotification subject",
                Body = "Extended SampleEmailNotification body test"

You can find some sample code here.

  1. Define the derived notifications with their own types and convert the types to the based type, e.g., SampleEmailNotification. This can be defined through migration:
    • Create a clean migration in your project.
    • Add an SQL-script that will be updating your notifications.

You can find a notification example here

You can find all our notification samples here.

Last update: February 1, 2024