Manage tools
The official CLI .NET Core GlobalTool for building, deploy releases, create and push packages, and manage environments for projects based on VirtoCommerce. Is powered by A cross-platform build automation system with C# DSL.
Publish a new version
Incerment package version in _build.csproj
dotnet pack .\vc-platform\build\_build.csproj --configuration Release --include-symbols --output .\vc-platform\artifacts /property:SymbolPackageFormat=snupkg
dotnet nuget push VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool.{version}.nupkg -s -k {api key}
To use VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool install the package:
dotnet tool install VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool -g
Update to latest version
For update VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool to the latest version you need to run this command
dotnet tool update VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool -g
To use VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool by invoke the tool using the following command: vc-build
To get the all list of targets
vc-build help
NUKE Execution Engine version 0.21.2 (Windows,.NETStandard,Version=v2.0)
Target with name 'help' does not exist. Available targets are:
- Clean
- Compile
- Compress
- MassPullAndBuild
- Pack
- Publish
- PublishModuleManifest
- PublishPackages
- Release
- Restore
- SonarQubeEnd
- SonarQubeStart
- StartAnalyzer
- SwaggerValidation
- Test
- WebPackBuild
The target is used to create a redistributed zip archive for a module or platform. After executing, it placed resulting zip in the artifacts
To execute this target, you need to run this command in the root module folder of the cloned from GitHub repository.
vc-build compress
console output
Target Status Duration
Clean Executed 0:00
Restore Executed 0:07
Compile Executed 0:06
WebPackBuild Executed 0:00
Test Executed 0:05
Publish Executed 0:01
Compress Executed 0:01
Total 0:23