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User e-mail verification

To protect user’s account and prevent fraud, he/she can be asked to verify and confirm their identity via e-mail. This feature is called user email verification. It can be activated (switched on) or deactivated (off). The default value is “off”.

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager is the component for user management. Its IsEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser user) method provides a flag indicating whether the email address for the specified user has been confirmed or not.

E-mail verification feature Components


User can verify his email by clicking a verification link in the email sent to the address being verified. The verification email can be sent when:

  • Administrator (user manager) clicks "Verify email" in Platform UI (users/{userId}/sendVerificationEmail endpoint requested);
  • Administrator calls users/{userId}/sendVerificationEmail endpoint explicitly e.g., via Swagger UI;
  • New user created in xAPI;
  • New user self-registered in Storefront UI.

E-mail verification in Platform API


  1. SendVerificationEmail endpoint activated. It publishes UserVerificationEmailEvent via IEventPublisher.Publish().
  2. UserVerificationEmailEvent event received in VirtoCommerce.StoreModule.
  3. Received ApplicationUser passed to IStoreNotificationSender.SendUserEmailVerificationAsync() (in Background Job).
  4. Stop processing and exit, if e-mail verification is not enabled for the particular store.
  5. ConfirmationEmailNotification notification template retrieved and filled.
  6. Notification passed to INotificationSender.SendNotificationAsync() for dispatching.

E-mail verification in xAPI


  1. A sendVerifyEmail mutation activated. It creates and publishes SendVerifyEmailCommand via IMediator.Send().
  2. SendVerifyEmailCommand command received in SendVerifyEmailCommandHandler.
  3. An associated ApplicationUser retrieved and passed to IStoreNotificationSender.SendUserEmailVerificationAsync().
  4. Request processing in SendUserEmailVerificationAsync() as described in previous scenario.

Alternative scenario

  1. A createUser mutation activated. It creates and publishes CreateUserCommand via IMediator.Send().
  2. CreateUserCommand command received in SendVerifyEmailCommandHandler.
  3. Newly created user retrieved and passed to IStoreNotificationSender.SendUserEmailVerificationAsync().
  4. Request processing in SendUserEmailVerificationAsync() as described in previous scenario.

E-mail verification in Storefront kit

Storefront kit is one example of Platform API clients.


  1. A Register endpoint activated in AccountController. A new user is created (via Virto Platform API).
  2. Stop processing and exit, if e-mail verification is not enabled for the particular store.
  3. EmailConfirmationNotification notification created and filled.
  4. Dispatch the notification via SendNotificationByRequest endpoint (Notifications module).

Last update: June 16, 2021