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Google Analytics 4 module allows you to assign Google Analytics Measurement Id for a Store and measure traffic, ecommerce events to collect information about the shopping behaviour of your users.

Google Analytics 4

Key Features

  1. Store Configuration.
  2. Measure ecommerce with Vue B2B Theme and Virto Storefront via Google tag.
  3. Ready for integration with other sales channels.
  4. Application menu.


Google Analytics 4


First, Create and configure Google Analytics 4 Account

Save your Measurement Id.

How to find Measurement Id

  1. Open Virto Commerce Back Office.
  2. Select Store and Open Store Settings.
  3. Find Google Analytics 4 section.
  4. Enable Google Analytics and enter your Measurement Id.

ga4 store settings

Once you click Save for Store, the Google Analytics tracking will be activated.

Integration with Virto Storefront

Virto Storefront and Vue B2B Theme has native integration with Google Analytics 4 module.

We measures the following actions:

  • Select an item from a category
  • View product details
  • Add/remove a product from a shopping cart
  • Initiate the checkout process
  • Make purchases or refunds
  • Apply promotions

Application Menu

The module adds Google Analytics link into Application menu. It redirects to Google Analytics Dashboard. You could customize Google Analytics Dashboard Url in Platform Settings.

Google Analytics 4 App Menu

Integration with Custom Application

You can use either Store settings or Rest API to request Google Analytics configuration for store.


Google Analytics 4 module defines two store settings:

  1. GoogleAnalytics4.EnableTracking
  2. GoogleAnalytics4.MeasurementId

Rest API

Get Google Analytics Settings

Endpoint: /api/googleanalytics/{storeId}

Method: GET

Request parameter: Store Id.


  "enableTracking": true,
  "measurementId": "G-1234567890"

Update Google Analytics Settings

Use Store API to provide management above Google Analytics Settings.


Enable debug mode so you can see events in realtime and more easily troubleshoot issues.

Last update: February 1, 2024